Digital Scholarship and ORA Drop-ins and Coffee Afternoons, Trinity Term

Drop-in surgeries and coffee afternoons will be held on Mondays in term-time in the Weston Library’s Centre for Digital Scholarship and Visiting Scholars’ Centre (map) and are open to any member of the University. You don’t need an appointment—just come along!

Digital Projects Drop-in Surgeries

Are you thinking of developing a digital project using library collections? Do you have questions about getting it funded, what approach to take, or what might be possible?

During Trinity term we will be holding drop-in surgeries again in the Weston Library’s Centre for Digital Scholarship where we can discuss or advise you one-to-one. We are delighted to be joined by colleagues from the IT Services Research Support team who bring their expertise and perspective to your questions about research and study.

ORA Drop-in Surgeries

Do you want to know more about depositing your work or searching the Oxford University Research and Data Archives (ORA and ORA Data)?

Colleagues from Bodleian Digital Library will be on hand to answer your questions and offer advice.

Digital Scholarship Coffee Afternoons

The Centre for the Study of the Book has kindly lent us the Visiting Scholars’ Centre to host Digital Coffee Afternoons. If you would like to meet and chat informally with other people interested in working in digital scholarship or with the Libraries’ digital or digitized collections, please come along!


9.30—11.30: digital projects drop-ins
11.30—13.30: ORA and ORA Data drop-ins
14.00—15.00: coffee afternoons in the Visiting Scholars’ Centre

  • Monday 25 April
  • Monday 9 May
  • Monday 16 May
  • Monday 23 May
  • Monday 6 June
  • Monday 13 June

Please note that these will not be held on the two bank holidays in May.

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