Making the most of digitized books and manuscripts: a free IIIF workshop

Mirador workspace

Notes and slides for this talk are now available.

What: Making the most of digitized books and manuscripts: a free IIIF workshop

Who: Emma Stanford, on behalf of Bodleian Digital Library Systems and Services and the Centre for Digital Scholarship

When: 10.00 – 12.00, Friday 27 May 2016

Where: Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library (map)

Access: all are welcome

Admission: free

Booking: This event is now fully booked. If you do not have a ticket but would still like to attend, please contact

Learn about new digital tools for humanities research and build your own virtual workspace for viewing books and manuscripts from libraries around the world in this short talk and workshop presented by BDLSS and the Centre for Digital Scholarship.

Since 2012, the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) has been enabling scholars to view, annotate and remix digitized images. The Bodleian has been in the vanguard of these developments, first with Digital.Bodleian, our IIIF-compatible digitized special collections website, and now with the Digital Manuscripts Toolkit, which will open up IIIF technology to humanities researchers with a set of easy-to-use tools. In this workshop, you will learn about the basic principles of IIIF, see the technology in action at the Bodleian and other institutions, and find out how to use free tools such as Mirador and the Universal Viewer in your own research. You will also have the opportunity to get involved in the development and testing of the Digital Manuscripts Toolkit.

Refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own laptops for the hands-on portion of this event.

Access: If you have a University or Bodleian Reader’s card, you can get to the Centre for Digital Scholarship through the Mackerras Reading Room on the first floor of the Weston Library, around the gallery. If you do not have access to the Weston Library you are more than welcome to attend the talk: please contact Emma Stanford before the event (

Digital Manuscripts Toolkit: The Journey So Far

Monica Messaggi Kaya recently presented her ongoing work on BDLSS’s Digital Manuscripts Toolkit project at two different events: Future of Web Apps (FOWA)’s conference in London on October 5-7, and JSOxford’s Javascript Story Time event on November 18.

The Digital Manuscripts Toolkit, funded by the Mellon Foundation, aims to produce a set of IIIF-based tools for studying manuscripts online, including an in-browser manifest authoring tool, which will allow scholars to build their own sequences of images from across IIIF-participating institutions. The project is still very much a work in progress, and these events were an excellent early opportunity to present our work to a more technical audience.

Monica will be writing about these events in a future blog post. In the meantime, she has made her presentation, “Digital Manuscripts Toolkit: The journey so far…“, available online. It’s a great resource for anyone who would like to know more about the project or about the world of IIIF-based manuscript scholarship.

– Emma Stanford