Trial – ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Le Monde (trial until 19 May 2021)

A trial of ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Le Monde is now active until 19 May 2021.

The historical archive of Le Monde – one of the newspapers of record for France – is now available in full-page digital image format from Proquest. The period covered is from the foundation of Le Monde in 1944 up to 2000. It should be noted that only 25% of the content of this database is currently available. It is cross-searchable with Global Newsstream (also a ProQuest product) which covers Le Monde from 2011 up to the present (and also includes a range of other key UK, US and other international newspapers). The Bodleian Libraries trial will end on 19 May. Another trial of both databases will be held in September 2021 when the Le Monde historical archive will be complete. Please send any feedback re the current trial to Nick Hearn: