Have you tried Google’s Advanced Search yet? Adding a few search commands to your query helps you find the information you want by making your search more specific. The advanced search helps you do this, and here are a few tips and tricks you can use in the ordinary search:
Colour code: command, example, explanation
“oxford eresources” use quotes to find a phrase rather than separate words
intitle:sciencedirect safari find pages with these words in the title
inurl:ouls libraries find URL with this word also useful for dates e.g. inurl:2009
link:oxforderesources.wordpress.com to find pages linking to this site
site:ouls.ox.ac.uk restrict results to the OULS site
labour OR liberal finds either word
labour AND liberal finds both words
related:ouls.ox.ac.uk to find similar or related pages
filetype:pdf to find a particular filetype (try also doc and ppt)
+ the script Common words such as and, how, the are usually ignored in searches . use the ‘+’ symbol if a common word is essential to your search
~pavement synonym search (this example also finds asphalt)
define:PWN find a definition. Yes, you could use a dictionary (online or otherwise), but this will be more helpful for jargon, abbreviations and new words (examples: Web 2.0, OpenURL, GWOT, crackberry).
time:oxford find the time anywhere in the world
weather:oxford will I need an umbrella today?
sqrt 9 use your browser as a calculator. More instructions
1 GBP in EUR use Google’s inbuilt currency converter List of currency codes
Try combining some of these commands, for example: filetype:pdf AND site:ouls.ox.ac.uk