We now have trial access to “Witchcraft in Europe and America”, a digital library of texts on witchcraft between the 15th century and c.1930.
The majority of the material concerns the 16th to 18th centuries. In addition to these classic texts, the collection includes anti-persecution writings, works by penologists, legal and church documents, exposés of persecutions, and philosophical writings and transcripts of trials and exorcisms. Included are many rare and fragile manuscripts containing eyewitness accounts and court records of the trials of witches, including harrowing original manuscript depositions taken from the victims in the torture chamber. The majority of texts are in Latin, English and German, although there are also selected items in French, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch and Spanish.
Access is via OxLIP+. Please send feedback to Isabel Holowaty by 11th June. We have already made a note of some poor quality scans. There are currently no funds for this resource, but we would like to find out whether it’s worth adding to the History desiderata list.