Free historical statistics for Europe and the world

The following websites have been bookmarked on the HFL Delicious site. They are free resources for historical statistics relasting to European and world statistics and Swedish and Dutch national accounts.

Global Price and Income History Group – Europe

Maintained at the University of California, GPIH (Global Price and Income History Group) lists accessible primary source data’s for the history of Income and Prices including European Countries. Seems to cover medieval to modern history but is particularly strong in 19th and 20th centuries. Files are in excel format.

Historical Monetary Statistics of Sweden 1668-2008

A website which re constructs historical monetary statistics of Sweden from 1668 (the founding year of the Riksbank) to the present. “A preliminary version of a database is now online. Some of the time series stretch back to the early Middle Ages. The database is organised around the following sections:

  • Prices. A Consumer Price Index is presented for the whole period 1290-2006
  • Wages, from 1540 onwards.
  • Exchange rates. Contains exchange rates between various currency units existing in Sweden 1291-1834 and foreign exchange rates from 1658 onwards.
  • Money supply and closely related-related aggregates from 1871 onwards
  • Stock exchange and interest rates from 1856 onwards.
  • Central government loans from 1668 onwards.

Dutch National Accounts

The website reconstructs national income data concerning income, prices, foreign trade, production, employment and capital formation from 1800 to 1913 in the Netherlands. As well as offering an interpretative research report, the website gives access to statistics in html and downloadable as excel files.

List of Datafiles of Historical Prices and Wages (International Institute of Social History)

The International Institute of Social History (IISH)  offers a “moderated list of datafiles of historical prices and wages.” The focus will be on data bases related to Europe and on non-European (in particular Asian) countries in the period before 1914. All data bases will not only include the data themselves, but also descriptions of the way in which they are constructed, the sources which are used, and relevant publications in which the data are analysed. Covers statistics relating to agriculture, finances, industry, prices and population.

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