New scanner to try out in Sackler Library

Information for all users of the Sackler Library

Following the trial of 2 scanning machines during November, the Sackler Library will be offering readers the chance to try out a third model for high resolution scanning next week (i.e. 3rd week):

  • MICROBOX Spirit        (supplied by Genus)

The Bodleian Libraries will collect feedback from users to assist with a decision on the possible purchase of one of the scanners.

The trial scanning sessions will be subject to the following conditions:

  • Sessions of 15 minutes per person will be offered from 9:30 to 5:00 from Tuesday 7th – Friday 10th February.
  • Readers should book a timeslot in person at the ground floor desk or by telephoning (2) 78092.
  • Scans can only be sent to a USB device and cannot be printed at the machine.  (N.B. the new scanners do not work with USB 3 devices.)
  • Anyone taking part in the trial will leave their university card or Bodleian Libraries card at the library desk. The card will be returned when a completed feedback form is handed in.

Trial scans will be free of charge, but if a new scanner is purchased it will be linked to the PCAS charging system.

Basic operating instructions will be provided, but library staff will not be able to provide additional support as the trial is designed to test the ease with which the models can be operated as self-service scanners.

Thank you for your help with this evaluation.

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