New database: The Economy and War in the Third Reich, 1933-1944

Oxford users now have access to The Economy and War in the Third Reich, 1933-1944. It is relevant for those studying the Third Reich, military history, economic history and trade relations.

The Economy and War in the Third Reich, 1933-1944 (via Archives Unbound)

Monatliche Nachweise über den auswärtigen Handel Deutschlands (July 1937)

Sourced from the Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science, it provides rare, this statistical source provides rare and detailed data on the German economic situation during the Third Reich up to and throughout World War II.  Consists of Monatliche Nachweise über den auswärtigen Handel Deutschlands (January 1933-June 1939), Der Aussenhandel Deutschlands Monatliche Nachweise (July 1939) and Sondernachweis der Aussenhandel Deutschlands (August 1939-1944).

These publications illustrate a number of major topics, including: the importance of German trade with Eastern Europe; effect of new trade treaties with Southeastern European states concluded in 1934 and 1935; Germany’s economic offensive beginning in 1934; growth of a “command economy” and the requirements of the Rearmament Program; balance of payments problem; and the defeat of “the traditionalists” with the dismissal of Schacht and Neurath and the appointment of Ribbentrop.

Sondernachweis der Aussenhandel Deutschlands is particularly important as it provides a thorough breakdown of German foreign trade by commodity, volume and value on a monthly basis. The December issue of each year gives a final listing of annual figures.

Publisher’s note: This collection comprises, in its entirety, the Primary Source Media microfilm collection entitled Statistics of the Third Reich Analyzed, 1933-1944.

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