Deliveries twice a day for rest of week to larger Bodleian Libraries
A delivery was made this morning of closed stack material requested to the main Bodleian Libraries reading rooms (including Lower Reserve and Upper Reserve in Old Bodleian and Lower Camera Reserve).
Another delivery of material is scheduled for this afternoon to the reading rooms in the Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera, Social Science Library, Sackler Library and Radcliffe Science Library. A twice-daily delivery is expected to these reading rooms for the rest of this week.
Disruption of some services continues
However, due to the continued flooding, there will be disruption to deliveries of material from other closed stack locations, interlibrary loans and staff-mediated photocopying requests.
Please contact if you have any questions.
Related Links Search for electronic resources via OxLIP+ | Search for eBooks on SOLO | SOLO LibGuide section on stack requests