If you are looking for a scanner which will produce high-quality images for you, then you will be pleased to know that the Sackler Library’s high quality Genus Kiosk scanner is now operational.
It is recommended that it be used primarily for scanning images, not text. To use the scanner you need a USB memory device and a current PCAS account.
Where is the scanner?
Sackler Library, Floor 2, Scanning Room (next to the lift lobby).
Are there any instructions how to use it?
Instructions for using the scanner, and the PCAS system to which it is connected, are available in the second floor scanner room. These instructions are extremely clear and should enable readers to use the scanner without needing Sackler staff assistance.
You can also view a demonstration video (YouTube).
If, however, help is needed, please call Diane Bergman on 01865-278089 (internal x78089).
How much will it cost?
The charge is 25p per saved scan. Repeated scans can be made; you pay when you choose to add a scan to your USB.
Seek help from library staff if you get unstuck!