Historians now have online access to the International journal of maritime history, 11, 1999- (ISSN 0843-8714).
Fully-refereed, this international scholarly journal has been published for the International Maritime Economic History Association since 1989. It publishes quarterly on a broad range of multi-disciplinary topics. They include maritime historical themes, including shipping, shipbuilding, seafaring, ports, resorts and other coastal communities, sea-borne trade, fishing, environment and the culture of the sea.
“These themes have been developed in scholarly articles as well as research notes that inform readers of important new scholarship which has not yet reached the stage of a formal monograph, historiographical essays, and essays on source. A series of “forums” have explored important issues in maritime history. The book reviews are recognized as being the most extensive in the field, and a signature feature in every journal has been a “Roundtables” comprising essays by eight participants who use an important new book as a platform for discussion of a variety of themes, methodologies and perspectives which are suggested by the book; these are accompanied by a response by the author.” http://www.mun.ca/mhp/ijmh.htm
The Editor-in-Chief is David J Starkey, Professor in Maritime History, Hull University and the editorial board draws from an international community of experts.
Access is via SOLO or OU eJournals.