I am pleased to announce that Oxford users now have electronic access the Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique (RHE) from 96 (1), 2001 onwards.
Access is via SOLO (shortly) and OU eJournals.
“Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique is a scholarly journal administered by professors of the Université catholique de Louvain and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. It covers the entire history of Christianity. All articles are based on original source research and often develop innovative aspects in the area of historical methodology. They are published in French, English, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Besides its articles, the Revue offers the reader reviews of recent books dealing with Church history in the large sense, in the form of critical reviews or brief descriptions. These reviews try to cover the most important publications in this sector. Added to that is a chronicle which mentions conferences, distinctions, doctoral theses, necrologies, etc. RHE is situated at the ‘A’ level of journals, according to most international classifications. ” KU Leuven, http://theo.kuleuven.be/en/research/csid/rhejournal
For some reviews and further information about this journals, see the RHE website.
A jewel of the RHE is its voluminous up-to-date bibliography, comprising annually more than 6,000 titles. Since 2014, the RHE Bibliography online is grouped with the Elenchus bibliographicus of the Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses under the name of Index Religiosus: International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies which is also available to Oxford users.