Trial until 30 April: Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: The Oliveira Lima Library

The Bodleian Libraries currently have trial access to the database Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: The Oliveira Lima Library . Please do take advantage of this before the trial ends on 30 April.

Oliveira Lima Library trial - screenshotManoel de Oliveira Lima was a Brazilian diplomat, journalist, historian and book collector whose career spanned Brazil’s transition from empire to republic. He developed an early appreciation of the importance of primary sources, acquiring works on Portuguese philology and etymology to complement his core collections in the history and literature of the Luso-Brazilian world. The Oliveira Lima Library consists of rare and unique pamphlets covering key topics such as colonialism, the Brazilian independence period, slavery and abolition, the Catholic Church, indigenous peoples, immigration, ecology, agriculture, economic development, medicine and public health, international relations, and Brazilian and Portuguese literature.

Access is via SOLO or OxLIP+.

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