Join us on Monday 7th March (8th week) at the Colin Matthews Room of the History Faculty on George Street for two sessions from Tom Derrick of primary source publisher Adam Matthew Digital exploring the wide range of resources available to Oxford University staff and students.
The first session (11.30-12.30) will look at resources relating to Early Modern studies, focusing particularly on three key collections: Empire Online, Eighteenth Century Journals, and Defining Gender.
The afternoon session (13.20-14.20) will be on resources for Modern studies, particularly Mass Observation Online, First World War, and London Low Life.
Live demonstrations in both sessions will provide an overview of the content, key features and functionality, and show ways in which they can be integrated within instructional programs and research.
A buffet lunch will be provided; no booking is necessary though please contact if you intend to also join for lunch.
Please bring your laptop for hands-on time.