Newly received History books: Frederick III of Sicily, early modern Naples, Mussilini’s Italy, Matteo

After a German and then a French week of selected books, here is an Italian selection of history books spanning the medieval period right to the late 20th century.

Hamel, Pasquale, Il lungo regno : vita avventurosa di Federico III, re di Sicilia (Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2014)

D’Avenia, Fabrizio, La Chiesa del re : monarchia e papato nella Sicilia spagnola (secc. XVI-XVII) (Roma : Carocci editore, 2014)

Brancaccio, Giovanni ; Musi, Aurelio, Il Regno di Napoli nell’età di Filippo IV (1621-1665) (Milano : Guerini e associati, 2014)

Da Molin, Giovanna, Storia sociale dell’Italia moderna (Brescia: Editrice La scuola, 2014)

Morena, Antonio, Mussolini’s decennale : aura and mythmaking in fascist Italy (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2015)

Pasquino, Gianfranco; Venturino, Fulvio, Il Partito democratico secondo Matteo (Bologna : Bononia University Press, 2014)

New History books 7 Sept 2016There is more!

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