Vacation loans begin Monday!

From Monday 4th March you may start checking books out for the Easter vacation.

You can borrow up to 15 books but from Thursday 7th March the limit goes up to 20 including short loans.

Please return or renew your current loans by Wednesday 6th March and remember to pay your fines.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Trinity Term (29th April). Please don’t leave them at home or you will be fined!

Sunday opening hours changed!

With effect from Sunday 13 January 2019 the Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera’s Sunday opening hours will change from 11am – 5pm to 12noon – 6pm.

The Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera are open on Sundays in term only.

Saturday hours remain 10am – 4pm.

We hope you find this time shift agreeable.

Easter vacation hours reminder

Vacation hours start on Monday 12 March as follows:

Monday to Friday 9:00 – 19:00

Saturday: 10:00-16.00

Sunday:  Closed

The library will be closed over the Easter weekend 30 March-02 April inclusive

The HFL wishes all our readers a Happy Easter and we look forward to seeing you all again next term!

Vacation borrowing starts Monday!

From Monday 5th March you may start checking books out for the Easter vacation!

You can borrow up to 15 books but from Thursday 8th March the limit goes up to 20 including short loans.

Please return or renew your current loans loans by Wednesday 7th March and remember to pay your fines.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Trinity Term (23 April). Please don’t leave them at home!

Vacation borrowing starts Monday!

From Monday 12th June those eligible may start checking books out for the summer vacation up to a maximum of 15 items.

From Thursday 15th June the limit goes up to 30 including short loans.

Please return or renew your current loans loans by Wednesday 14th June and remember to pay your fines.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Michaelmas Term (9th October). Please don’t leave them at home!

Vacation borrowing starts Monday!

From Monday 6th March you may start checking books out for the Easter vacation!

You can borrow up to 15 books but from Thursday 9th March the limit goes up to 20 including short loans.

Please return or renew your current loans loans by Wednesday 8th March and remember to pay your fines.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Trinity Term (24 April). Please don’t leave them at home!

Vacation borrowing begins 28 November

From Monday 28 November you can start borrowing up to 15 books for the vacation but from Thursday 1st December the limit goes up to 20 and can include short loans. Please pay your fines and remember to return or renew your current loans by Wednesday 30  November.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of 1st week in Hilary term, 16th January 2017.

Term borrowing has started!

Welcome back everyone to a new academic year! And a special welcome to our new undergraduates and graduates. For those of you have had books out for the vacation the term limit has reverted to a  maximum of 15 items.  If you have more out than that and you want to take out additional items you will need to bring some back.

You are reminded that vacation  loans are due on Monday 10 October. Please don’t forget!

From now on undergraduates can check out books  for 7 days and research graduates 28 days.

Do enjoy your studies and we hope to see you all soon.


Vacation borrowing begins Monday 13 June!

As we’re now coming up to the end of term you may start borrowing for the vacation from Monday 13 June.  All your current loans must be returned or renewed by Wednesday 15 June.

If you are a finalist or visiting student please return all your books and pay your fines – before you leave Oxford! We hope you have enjoyed using the HFL and we wish you all the best for the future.

Those of you returning next term please remember to bring your vacation books back  by Monday 10 October. We look forward to seeing you again.