Welcome back to a new round of borrowing!

We hope you’ve enjoyed the Christmas break as much as we did and are feeling ready for a new year. We’ve no doubt everyone is eager to return to the library and get borrowing!

From today, Monday 9th January, we resume term time borrowing limits:

  • Undergraduates and visiting students: 7 days (up to 15 items)
  • Research loans : 28 days (up to 15 items)
  • Short loans: 2 days

Vacation loans are due back next Monday 16th January so don’t forget to check under the bed for all those extra holiday books you had on loan. We look forward to seeing you all in the library soon.

Vacation borrowing limit now 30 books plus short loans

From today the Vacation borrowing limit is increased to 30 books and now includes short loans. Everything is due back on Monday 10th October so that’s plenty of time to get through all that reading! We have some sturdy Bodleian plastic bags at the desk to help you carry them all home. Remember to clear your fines before you borrow.


Vacation borrowing begins Monday 13 June!

As we’re now coming up to the end of term you may start borrowing for the vacation from Monday 13 June.  All your current loans must be returned or renewed by Wednesday 15 June.

If you are a finalist or visiting student please return all your books and pay your fines – before you leave Oxford! We hope you have enjoyed using the HFL and we wish you all the best for the future.

Those of you returning next term please remember to bring your vacation books back  by Monday 10 October. We look forward to seeing you again.

Vacation borrowing

Believe it or not vacation borrowing begins on Monday 30 November! You can borrow up to 15 books from then but from Thursday 3 December the limit goes up to 20. Please pay your fines and remember to return or renew your current (term) loans by Wednesday 2 December.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Hilary term 18/01/2015


Term borrowing starts now

Welcome back all of you who have books out! The term limit has reverted to a  maximum of 15 items.  If you have more out than that and you want to take out additional items you will need to bring some back.

From now on Undergraduates can check out books out for 7 days and Research Graduates 28 days.

Current loans are due on Monday 12 October. Please bring them back on time!


Finalists – please return your books!

Once you have finished your exams, please make sure that you have returned all of your library books and paid any outstanding fines.  Please note that you can pay outstanding fines at any Bodleian Library or pay online.

If you have lost any items or think that you have returned items that are still on your account, please contact library.history@bodleian.ox.ac.uk as soon as possible.

Vacation borrowing

Just to get you all in the summery mood vacation loans begin on Monday 15 June.  All term loans must be returned or renewed by Wednesday 17June.

If you are a finalist or visiting student please return all your books before you leave Oxford. It’s been a pleasure having you and we wish you all the best for the future!

Those of you returning next term please remember to bring your vacation books back  by Monday 12 October. We look forward to seeing you again.



Vacation loan arrangements for Easter

For those of you intending to borrow books for the vacation please take note of the following dates:

Image credit: crosathorian (Flickr)
Image credit: crosathorian (Flickr)


Monday 9th March: you can start checking out books for the vacation (up to 15 books).

Wednesday 11th March: please return or renew your current loans!

Thursday 12th March: vacation loans limit increases to 20. Short loans available for vac.

Monday 27th April: please bring back your vacation books – other readers need them!


Borrowing limits change Monday 21 April!

We hope you have enjoyed your Easter break now that Trinity Term is about to begin. To that end our our borrowing limits change from Monday 21 April as follows:

  • Undergraduates and visiting students: 7 days (up to 15 items)
  • Research loans : 28 days (up to 15 items)
  • Short loans: 2 days

Vacation loans are due next Monday 28 April so if you have 15 or more items out at the moment and want to borrow more this week you will have to return some of your current loans.

Sunday opening and longer week day evening hours will resume on 27 April