Hansard on the move

The duplicate set of Hansard in the Upper Camera is in the process of moving to the Book Storage Facility, Swindon. Another print set is available in the Bodleian Law Library.

Hansard is also available online:

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (via SOLO/ OxLIP+ for Oxford users)

Historic Hansard 1805-2005: http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/

In September the vacated space will be filled with the History Faculty Library’s Set Text collection and Lower Camera English Collections (class SE). For further details, see HFL Move.

Related links:

What is Hansard? (from Wikipedia)

House of Commons Debates (Hansard) since 1988/89.

House of Lords Debatessince 1995/96

Hansard (1803-2005) now added to House of Commons Parliamentary Papers

For those interested in the full text backfile from Hansard, the Official Report of debates in Parliament (both the House of Commons and House of Lords) this is now included in House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP) from 1803 to 2005.

The publicly available files created by the Hansard Digitisation Project (led by the Directorate of Information Services of the House of Commons and the Library of the House of Lords) are the source for this material.

There is a freely available version of Hansard. However, this significant enhancement in HCPP enables the sessional papers of the House of Commons to be searched alongside Hansard from one interface. Also, researchers can use Hansard alongside HCPP to expand their understanding of the background and influences on key Acts of Parliament throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Hansard archive covering the post-2005 period is available at online.

As well as browsing Hansard, you can also browse by MP’s names which then provide links to their contributions in relevant sessions. Now wouldn’t it be nice if this linked to biographical sources on MPs…