Welcoming new History graduates – induction & library skills programme now available

We welcome all new History graduates to Oxford and to the Bodleian Library!

You will have access to a wide PG training Flyers screenshotsrange of library resources. To help make best use of them and your time, check out the induction and library skills programme for Michaelmas Term.

Please note that some sessions require booking.

The programme covers:

Induction flyer (pdf) – Information Skills flyer (pdf)

Library assistant in your pocket

Library assistant in your pocket

Early bird? Short of time? You can also use the “Library Assistant for Oxford Freshers” on your smartphone, tablet or computer to get you started.

Learn which libraries are useful, how to use our photocopiers and what password you need to access resources and order books from the stack, how to access your library patron account and much more.



Welcome to new history students! here are 5 tips to get you started

A warm welcome to all new history students!

Library assistant in your pocket

Library assistant in your pocket

The next few weeks will be an exciting but busy time for you, so here are 5 tips how to get started with using libraries:

1. Go to a library induction

Introductory talks are scheduled for undergraduates and postgraduates. An hour worth spending instead wandering around getting lost.

2. Know the basics

Guidance at a glance to using the library: where to find us, opening hours, catalogue searches, wifi, etc.

3. Find information just for you

There are some tailored help pages for Undergraduates and Postgraduates.

4. Library help in your pocket

If you have a smart phone, check out Mobile Oxford (guide to Oxford University & city) and Library Assistant for Oxford Freshers.

5. er, that’s it.

If you need any help, simply get in touch with us.

Good luck with your studies in Oxford. Looking forward to meeting you all soon.

First year undergrads: help the libraries and earn a £10 Amazon voucher

Oxford University libraries are investigating ways in which we can improve library inductions for first year undergraduates and help new students to get to grips with Oxford Libraries quickly and easily.  As part of this project we are seeking feedback from first year undergraduates about your experiences of Oxford Libraries at the start or your studies.

We are currently looking for volunteers to attend focus groups during week 8 of Trinity Term.  These focus group will last around an hour and each attendee will receive a £10 Amazon voucher as a thank you for your participation.

To participate please note that you must be a first year undergraduate and able to attend on at least one of the dates given below.

  • Week 8, Monday, 11th of June – 11 – 12 am
  • Week 8, Tuesday, 12th of June – 11 – 12 am
  • Week 8, Thursday, 14th June – 11 – 12 am

If you would like to participate in a focus group, please e-mail usered@bodleian.ox.ac.uk  with the following details.


Year of Study:


Availability on the dates given above:

Contact phone number:

If you choose to volunteer and are selected you will be contacted within a few days to confirm your attendance.

New graduates: information skills training

Welcome also to all new history graduates!

An extensive schedule of information skills training courses has been laid on for you this term to help you navigate the vast and complex world of information.

Sessions start with basic inductions and tours and move then to introduce you to archivists and specialists, database training, managing your citations and knowing about copyright.

Check out the programme and book early where booking is needed.

The History Faculty Library and Bodleian Library will usually be the most important libraries for you to use. You can contact staff, including the History Librarian, many different ways.

Finally, to keep up with news, follow @HFLOxford on Twitter or like us on Facebook.

Enjoy your course and Oxford!


Freshers inductions – timetable

We warmly welcome all history freshers to Oxford!


You will need to learn pretty quickly how to get hold of your books and generally manage your time effectively.

Learn all the basics at this week’s library induction and meet the staff who can make your life easier.

The timetable tells you when your college is scheduled.


Lots of useful information and contact details are on our website.

You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter (@HFLOxford).

Enjoy your course and stay in Oxford!