Printing from microfilm or fiche in Bodleian: now in colour

If you wish to print from a microfilm or fiche in the Bodleian, then is now done via the new digital film/fiche reader in the Upper Reading Room.  The images are captured and saved to a memory stick, then taken to the PCAS machine for printing.  It is possible to print PDF, TIFF, and JPEG files directly at the machine.

Print in colour

This means you will have greater choice in as you can now elect to print in colour. Full instructions on printing from a USB memory stick are here.

Don’t have a memory stick?

The Upper Reading Room Reserve has a memory stick which is available for loan to readers for this purpose.

Related link:

New digital microfilm scanner available in BOD Upper Reading Room

RemotePrint service to print from laptops

Remote PrintRemotePrint has replaced the PrinterOn system in the Bodleian Libraries.

You can send print jobs from your laptop, home PC and mobile phone to PCAS  via the web.  Collect your prints at any of the Bodleian Libraries photocopier/printer machines.

RemotePrint is available online at

User guides are available online and help is available from library staff.

Also, look out for new exciting features to be released later in the spring!

PCASPrint, Copy and Scan (PCAS) in the Bodleian Libraries

RemotePrint is part of the PCAS system available in the Bodleian Libraries, including in the Radcliffe Camera and Gladstone Link.  As well as sending jobs from laptops, using PCAS you can:

  • print from library PCs (black & white or colour)
  • print from USB sticks (black & white or colour)
  • photocopy (black & white or colour)
  • scan and send the document to an email address
  • scan and save the document to a USB stick

All of this is paid for using a personal online account which can be credited using a credit or debit card or by paying with cash in many libraries, including in the Lower Radcliffe Camera. Prices start from just 6p for A4 black and white.

Related Links Printing, Copying and Scanning in the Bodleian Libraries | RemotePrint | Top up your PCAS account | Contact Us

Possible disruption to PCAS service Wednesday 19th December (AM)

PCASPossible disruption to PCAS service
Wednesday 19th December (AM)

On Dec 19th the Bodleian Libraries are installing new PrinterOn (laptop and remote printing) software.  PrinterOn itself should continue to run during the software installation but it may be necessary to shut down the whole PCAS service for a short period.

Library staff will be kept up to date about the progress and disruptions, so please speak to them if you encounter any problems with PCAS.

The work should be completed by 1pm but library staff can advise when it is complete and the service is back to normal.

This work is necessary to fix recent issues with the PrinterOn service.  Apologies for the inconvenience.

Related Links PCAS information | PrinterOn homepage | PCAS homepage | Contact Us

Weather disrupting deliveries of requested material to Bodleian Libraries

Delay to delivery of requests for closed stack material to reading rooms
Due to flooding affecting roads to the south and west of Oxford, Bodleian Libraries have had to suspend deliveries from offsite closed stack. This will affect orders from Remote Store (BSF) placed after 4pm yesterday (Monday 26 November).  Any outstanding requests will be delivered as soon as suitable alternative arrangements can be put in place.

Remember, when an item has been requested from the closed stacks, the reader who placed the request will be emailed when the item is ready for them to consult in the reading room.  More information about how to place stack requests and track their delivery is available in the SOLO LibGuide.

Delays to other services inc. Inter Library-Loans
This will affect other library services offered from our Osney offices;
• the processing / delivery of staff mediated photocopy orders placed on Monday and Tuesday
• the processing / delivery of Inter-Library Loan orders
• the processing / delivery of Photographic orders

Please contact if you have any questions.

Related Links Search for electronic resources via OxLIP+ | Search for eBooks on SOLO | SOLO LibGuide section on stack requests

New scanner to try out in Sackler Library

Information for all users of the Sackler Library

Following the trial of 2 scanning machines during November, the Sackler Library will be offering readers the chance to try out a third model for high resolution scanning next week (i.e. 3rd week):

  • MICROBOX Spirit        (supplied by Genus)

The Bodleian Libraries will collect feedback from users to assist with a decision on the possible purchase of one of the scanners.

The trial scanning sessions will be subject to the following conditions:

  • Sessions of 15 minutes per person will be offered from 9:30 to 5:00 from Tuesday 7th – Friday 10th February.
  • Readers should book a timeslot in person at the ground floor desk or by telephoning (2) 78092.
  • Scans can only be sent to a USB device and cannot be printed at the machine.  (N.B. the new scanners do not work with USB 3 devices.)
  • Anyone taking part in the trial will leave their university card or Bodleian Libraries card at the library desk. The card will be returned when a completed feedback form is handed in.

Trial scans will be free of charge, but if a new scanner is purchased it will be linked to the PCAS charging system.

Basic operating instructions will be provided, but library staff will not be able to provide additional support as the trial is designed to test the ease with which the models can be operated as self-service scanners.

Thank you for your help with this evaluation.

Related Links:

PCAS now live

PCAS logoThe new printing, copying and scanning service has now gone live in the HFL. Guidance how to create and manage your PCAS account, how to scan or how to print from your laptop is available online.

Why this change?

The current system limits the services we can offer and offers inconsistent service across Bodleian Libraries.

How will readers benefit from this change?

Readers now have access to a range of new services across all libraries (printing from laptops, scanning; colour copies; self-service online accounts; discounted duplex; print jobs can be collected from any photocopier in any Bodleian Library).

What will happen to credit on my existing photocopy card?

Once you have set up an account library staff can transfer credit from the old system to your new account.  Simply set up an account and present your old card to library staff.  They will need your PCAS user name to complete the transaction.


> Create your PCAS account now or click on the PCAS icon from any library PC workstation.

New photocopying system delayed

As you may be aware, a new system for photocopying and printing across the Bodleian Libraries was due to be introduced during the Easter vacation. Unfortunately the change to the new system has had to be delayed and is now expected to take place over the summer. We will update you further when we know more, but for now be assured that nothing is changing yet with the way you pay for your photocopying and printing in the library.

N.B. Due to the delay, our stocks of photocopying cards may start to run a bit short during Trinity Term so please be extra careful with your current card.

Colour Photocopying in the HFL

The HFL now has two new photocopiers that allow colour as well as black and white photocopying.

Standard OULS charges for photocopying are:

  • 7p – A4 Black and White
  • 10p – A3 Black and White
  • 45p – A4 Colour
  • 90p – A3 Colour

There is no reduction in price when double-sided copies are made. Also, no refunds can be given if a reader accidently copies in colour rather than black and white.

The OULS photocopying and printing services will be changing in Hilary Term so please do not put too much money on your photocopy cards this term and look out for future announcements about the changes.