Self-Collect starts in Bod’s Upper Reading Room, Mon 7 April

BOD self-college - imageGood news for Bodleian readers. From 7th April 2014 readers can collect the books they have ordered to the Upper Reading Room themselves without waiting for staff intervention. This service is already used successfully in the Lower Reading Room and the Lower Camera. A staff-mediated reserve will continue.

Where are the self-collect shelves in the Upper Reading Room?

The ‘Upper RR (Self-Collect)’ point is in the Old Upper Reserve (currently names H-O) on the Catte Street side. It will be clearly labelled.

Bod URR Self-collectWhat can you order to Self-Collect?

Some items are not suitable for request to Self Collect points due to format, age, size etc. If SOLO does not offer Self Collect delivery locations as options when you place a hold request, that particular item will need to be ordered to a staff mediated delivery location.

Modern books and single journal parts can be ordered to the Self-Collect shelves.
Other items, such as post-1701 Special Collections, large books, multiple part items or non-book items such as microfilms, must be ordered to the ‘Upper RR (Staffed Desk)’.

How much can you order?

Up to 10 items may be held per person shared between the two Upper RR Delivery points.

How will you find the right location in SOLO?

This is how the menu will display on SOLO when the ‘Upper RR (Self-Collect)’ opens:

BOD self-collect - SOLO locations1You may have noticed that the Delivery/Pickup Location ‘Upper Reading Room’ has already changed its name to ‘Upper RR (Staffed Desk)’

How do I find my books on the Self-Collect shelves and what is my Self-Collect ID?

All items requested to Self Collect points come with the normal hold request slip, which should stay with the item at all times. For reasons of privacy, slips for Self Collect items will not give readers full names and University/Library card barcode details. They will, instead, display your Self Collect ID. This is made up of the first 3 digits of the reader’s surname and the last 4 numbers of the University/Library card barcode.

BOD self-collect - univ cardSir Christopher Wren, barcode=280477. His Self Collect ID is therefore Wre4772.

What should I do to keep the book(s)?

You should refile items they wish to see again at the correct point in the sequence.

Any items that are for return to closed storage should be left on the labelled trolley near the Self Collect shelves, or handed in at the staff point in Upper Reading Room.

More about…


If you have a particular question or comment on the Self Collect service, please email:

New DIGITAL MICROFILM SCANNER available in BOD Upper Reading Room

Modernising old technology

Are you using microform collections and really wished you can take the images away as PDFs? Then make your way to the Upper Reading Room, Old Bodleian Library!

URR Digital microfilm scannerIn URR, you can now use a new Digital Microfilm Scanner which reads microfilms, microfiche and microcards and makes digital copies which can be saved as PDFs.

It is not currently possible to print directly from the scanner, but the images can be saved onto a USB drive for transfer to a laptop or another library computer and from there printed via PCAS.

You can manipulate the images to some extent (switch negatives to positives, etc.) and you can zoom and resize to your liking.

A guide to how to use the scanner and its various functions is available with the equipment. Currently access is based on first-come, first-serve.

The Vere Harmsworth Library already has this new and wonderful technology so from SOLO you can order microform collections to either the Upper Reading Room or the VHL.

What microfilm collections are held in the Bodleian Library?

A guide to microform holdings in the Bodleian Library. 5th ed. (2002) [Available in most reading rooms – ask staff]

All microfilms are catalogued in SOLO. Suggested advanced searches:

microfilm searches in solo - example

Examples of microform collections for Medieval history

IRHT Répertoire d’incipit de sermons latins, antiquité tardive et moyen âge, 273 fiches.  [BOD Microfiches 804]

Examples of microform collections for Early modern history

Flugschriften des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts. [microfiches] hrsg. H-J. Köhler et al. (Zug: IDC, 1978-87) [BOD Microfiches 400]

Contains 5,000 pamphlets in German and Latin, printed 1501-1530 within the Holy Roman Empire and in libraries, museums and archives of West Germany and West Berlin. Annual registers at BOD 25821 e. 63 and at BOD 25821 e. 64; Bibliographie der Flugschriften des 16. Jahrhunderts, Part i, Hans-Joachim Köhler (Tübingen, 1991-) accompanies this series. See also for guidance on using this set. Online index.

Flugschriften des späteren 16. Jahrhunderts, 1531-1600. [microfiches] Series I and II, hrsg. H.-J. Köhler et al. (Leiden: IDC, 1990-)  [BOD Microfiches 870]

Continues the previous collection and contains 3,666 pamphlets. Particularly good for events such as anti-papist movement, persecution of Jews and Witches and religious and political upheaval following the Reformation. Each year’s instalment consists of microfiches in binder with a guide and annual register.

Examples of microform collections for Modern History

Archives of the British Independent Labour Party

Accompanied by Archives of the Independent Labour Party, 1856-1975: a detailed guide to the microform collections (Reading, 1990)

  • Organisational and regional records, 1856-1955. 25 reels.  [BOD Films 1647]
  • Series I: Pamphlets and Leaflets. 512 microfiches [BOD Microfiches 1006-1010]
  • Series II: Minutes and related records. 176 microfiches (I: national administrative council minutes and related records 1894-1950; II: Branch minutes and related records 1892-19500 [BOD Microfiches 835]
  • Series III: The Francis Johnson correspondence. 21 reels. [BOD Films 1554]

Archives of the British Labour Party

Accompanied by Archives of the British Labour Party, 1873-1973: a detailed guide to the microform collections (Reading, 1990).

  •  General correspondence and political records. Various parts  [Check guides]
  • National Executive Council minutes. 1900-64. Part 1-9.  [BOD Microfiches 787]
  • Pamphlets and leaflets. Parts 1-5. 582 microfiches.  [BOD X.Films 81]
  • Speeches and statements. Part 1: 1964-1973. 197 microfiches [BOD X.Films 82]

Archives of the British Liberal Party

  • Pamphlets and leaflates, parts 1-4
  • National Liberal Federation Annual Reports, 1877-1936. 481 microches + guide. [BOD X.Films 90]

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei (NSDAP): Akten der Partei-Kanzlei der NSDAP [microfiche]: Rekonstruktion eines verlorengegangenen Bestandes; herausgegeben vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte. (München: Saur: Oldenbourg, c1983-1992).  [BOD Microfiches 562]

Der Kirchenkampf: the Gutteridge-Micklem collection at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 515 microfiches. (London : Saur, [1988]). [BOD Microfiches 809 & B1.30 O.71]

Includes materials, assembled from private collections, which detail the attempts of the German clergy to maintain a separate identity under the Third Reich. These materials document two struggles: that of the evangelical church against the Nazi attempt to impose a unified Reichskirche; and the struggle within the church to establish and define its own development and structure while under siege.

The collection includes books, periodicals, pamphlets, correspondence, reports, memoranda and manuscripts. Most of this material originated in the Bekennende Kirche, but there is also coverage of the Roman Catholic Church, the National Socialists and their various subsections, as well as other German and British Christian churches.

Also included are unique manuscripts describing the precarious situation of the pastors, bishops, religious publishers and printers whose lives and livelihoods were threatened by the Third Reich. There are lists of pastors who were imprisoned or suspended from duty, press service reports and banned literature.

Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des deutschen Reichstages, 1867-1918.  [BOD Microfiche 869]

Die Protokolle des österreichischen Ministerrates, 1848-1867. 1171, 41, 36 microfiches + 12 vols. (Hildesheim : Olms, 1999-2004).  [Check SOLO]

The French Revolution research collection; editor-in-chief, Colin Lucas. 19,161 microfiches in 12 sections. (Oxford: Pergamon,[1989-1995]) [Check SOLO]

Section 1. Newspapers / editor, Hugh Gough — section 2. Memoirs and autobiographies / editor, Colin Lucas — section 3. Basic printed collections / editor, Colin Lucas — section 4. Bibliographical and research tools — section 5. The Pre-revolutionary debate / editor, Jeremy Popkin — section 6. Political themes / editor, Alison Patrick … [et al.] — section 7. Resistances to the Revolution / editors, Colin Lucas [and] Roger Dupuy — section 8. Religion / editor, Timothy Tackett — section 9. The reorganization of society / editors, Isser Woloch … [et al.] — section 10. The economy / editors, Colin Lucas … [et al.] — section 11. War and colonies / editors, Jean-Paul Bertaud … [et al.] — section 12. Culture / editor, James Leith.

Voices from Wartime France, 1939-45: Clandestine Resistance and Vichy Newspapers. [microfilm]. 206 reels. [BOD Films 2062 + Guide: URR K.8.42]

A research collection which constitutes the sum of the French press that actually reached Britain during the Occupation of 1940-44. It is the record of what was known by the British about the hearts and minds of the French people at the most dramatic period of their shared history. This collection offers the complete French holdings of the British Library, acquired through a variety of intelligence, clandestine and neutral sources, offering as full a view of life during the War as was possible at the time.

Parlamento: rendiconti del Parlamento italiano. Discussioni del Senato del regno, 1848-60; 1861-70. 2nd ed. 150 microcards. [BOD Microcards 41 (1948-60); microcards 42 (1861-70)]

Parlamento: atti (afterwards rendiconti) del Parlamento italiano. Discussioni della Camera dei Deputati, 1848-60; 1861-70. 574 microcards. [BOD Microcards 43 (1948-60); microcards 44 (1861-70)]

Cortes: Congreso de los Diputados: diario de las sessions 1810-1921/22. 6406 microfiches. [BOD Microfiches 302]

Boletin oficial de estado, 1966-69; 1977-78; 1980-85 (Madrid, 1966-86). [BOD Films 1128 (1966-86); Microfiches 837 (1987-)]

Annuario estadístico de España. 1859-64 (various). 256 microfiches. [BOD Microfiches 302]

Any questions?

Why not ask the History Librarian

New History Books Display in Upper Reading Room

The next time historians come to the Upper Reading Room, Old Bodleian Library, they can browse through the New History Books Display in its new location and can for the first time sit down in comfort to do so. You can’t miss it! The display is right next to the URR Reserve where you collect your book orders from.

URR New Books Display

The display (known as K Tray) includes both Legal Deposit and purchased history books on British and Western European history and is kept for 4 weeks.

A fuller list of new books, including selected history books on other countries, is available online in History at Oxford LibraryThing. You can browse LibraryThing by subject (period, country, topic).

If you find a new book in SOLO, it will tell you if it is on the New Books Display in URR:

SOLO K Tray snapshot