Christmas Closure

As we are now in the final days before Christmas, a reminder that the Radcliffe Camera and History Faculty Library will be closing Friday 22nd December at 5pm. We will reopen at 9am on Tuesday 2nd January.

Need some last minute research material? Don’t worry! There is still time to order material into the library from offsite storage. Our final delivery will be the afternoon of Thursday 21st. Please order by 10.30 am that morning to guarantee delivery.

Scan and Deliver requests are now closed for the Christmas period, but the service will resume from 9am on the 2nd January.

The library may be physically closed over Christmas and New Year but the spirit of the library lives on! There is still a great range of online resources that will be available to use over the festive period. Check out our LibGuide for more information.

Finally, from all the team here at the Radcliffe Camera and History Faculty Library, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, successful 2024!

Summer Vacation Loans start 21 June 2023

With the end of term fast approaching, readers are advised that HFL borrowing for the summer will begin on Wednesday 21st June. Please note, this is in 9th Week due to the History of the British Isles assessment that takes place during the preceding week. From this date onwards HFL borrowing limits will increase to 30 items (short loans inclusive), with a due date of Monday 9th October. Wishing you all the best of luck in the coming weeks!

Winter Vacation Loans

Winter vacation loans begin on Monday 28th November. Loan limits increase to 20 books on Thursday 1st December and will include Short Loans. Everything will be due back on Monday 16th January (1st Week Hilary Term).

Don’t forget you can access many of our resources electronically. With your Single Sign On, you can make use of all our ebookejournal and database subscriptions while away from Oxford via SOLO.

Camera staff would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Vacation loans begin Monday!

From Monday 4th March you may start checking books out for the Easter vacation.

You can borrow up to 15 books but from Thursday 7th March the limit goes up to 20 including short loans.

Please return or renew your current loans by Wednesday 6th March and remember to pay your fines.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Trinity Term (29th April). Please don’t leave them at home or you will be fined!

Vacation Loans Start Today!

Vacation loans start today – borrow up to 15 books. This increases to 20 books on Thursday 29 November and will include Short Loans. Everything will be due back on Monday 14th January (1st Week).

Camera staff would like to wish all readers a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! If you decide you’d like to combine your mince pies with some online reading, don’t forget you can access access many of our resources electronically. With your Single Sign On, you can make use of all our ebookejournal and database subscriptions while away from Oxford.

Vacation borrowing starts Monday!

From Monday 5th March you may start checking books out for the Easter vacation!

You can borrow up to 15 books but from Thursday 8th March the limit goes up to 20 including short loans.

Please return or renew your current loans loans by Wednesday 7th March and remember to pay your fines.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Trinity Term (23 April). Please don’t leave them at home!

Vacation borrowing starts Monday!

From Monday 12th June those eligible may start checking books out for the summer vacation up to a maximum of 15 items.

From Thursday 15th June the limit goes up to 30 including short loans.

Please return or renew your current loans loans by Wednesday 14th June and remember to pay your fines.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Michaelmas Term (9th October). Please don’t leave them at home!

Vacation borrowing starts Monday!

From Monday 6th March you may start checking books out for the Easter vacation!

You can borrow up to 15 books but from Thursday 9th March the limit goes up to 20 including short loans.

Please return or renew your current loans loans by Wednesday 8th March and remember to pay your fines.

Vac loans must be returned by Monday of first week in Trinity Term (24 April). Please don’t leave them at home!

Vacation borrowing limit now 30 books plus short loans

From today the Vacation borrowing limit is increased to 30 books and now includes short loans. Everything is due back on Monday 10th October so that’s plenty of time to get through all that reading! We have some sturdy Bodleian plastic bags at the desk to help you carry them all home. Remember to clear your fines before you borrow.
