Coming up next week …
WISER: Ovid SP the new interface. Wednesday, 21st May 2008 (week 5), 12.30 – 1.30, OUCS, Banbury Road.
Medical and bio-sciences databases have recently been moved from the Ovid Gateway and WebSpirs to the new OvidSP interface. They include Medline, PsychInfo, Embase, the British and American Nursing Indexes, Zoological Record, CAB Abstracts and Biosis , just to name a few. This session will demonstrate the main features of the OvidSP Interface and there will be an opportunity for hands-on practice.
Catherine Dockerty.
Book at:
WISER: Introduction to critical appraisal. Friday, 23rd May 2008 (week 5), 12.30 – 1.30, OUCS, Banbury Road.
This session will define “critical appraisal” and show how it can be used to decide whether a journal paper is valid, reliable and applicable to your own research. We will also look at some of the critical appraisal checklists that are available Jo Hunter.
Fully booked, but incase places become available or a repeat session is arranged, please book onto the waiting list at:
Information about the full WISER programme at:
All enquiries to: