WISER: Reading lists, Wednesday 28th May 2008 (week 6), 12.30 – 1.30, OUCS, Banbury Road.
Providing online reading lists is an easy and quick way to help your students locate material in Oxford libraries. This session outlines the process of doing this. We will also explore user-friendly Web 2.0 applications, which give you the opportunity to create reading lists that are more interactive and encourage discussion.
Judy Reading and Eric Howard.
Book at: http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/itlp/courses/detail/TZD8
WISER: Information Sources for US History, Friday 30th May 2008 (week 6), 12.30 – 1.30, OUCS, Banbury Road.
This session will introduce key information sources for the study of colonial American and the history of United States. Starting with useful finding tools to locate relevant material, examples of source materials will then be shown or outlined. These include archival, microform, printed and online collections and useful web portals. There will be time for a brief hands-on at the end.
Isabel Holowaty.
Book at: http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/itlp/courses/detail/TZE9
Full programme at: http://www.ouls.ox.ac.uk/training
All enquiries to: usered@ouls.ox.ac.uk