By Angela Carritt
The Athens service will be withdrawn on 31 July 2008. Here’s what you need to do to ensure that you can access legal databases afer 31 July.
If you’re on campus: You will not need a username and password for Lexis or Westlaw during the next few weeks. However, the web address for Lexis (and possibly Westlaw) will change. Please follow links from the Law Library’s web site or Oxlip rather than your own favourites or Google.
Be sure to cancel your Lexis alerts before 31 July. You will not be able to cancel them after that date but you will keep receiving the e-mails! > more.
Off campus?
Lexis and Westlaw off campus: You will need to use the VPN to access Lexis and Westlaw after 31 July. Please see our VPN instructions for more information. Alternatively you can use “the Westlaw” password. A reminder of this has been sent to the Faculty mailling list. If the VPN doesn’t work for you please contact us and we will make alternative arrangements for you.
HeinOnline, Justis, Social Science Citation Index, Zetoc & CSA off campus: You will be able to log in to these databases using your Oxford Single Sign on (OSS) username and password (same as Webmail). When you link to these databases you will probably be taken straight to a login page asking for your OSS details. If not, look out for links to “UK Access Federation”, “Shibboleth” or “Academic log in”. Alternatively you can use the VPN instead of using your OSS. Again if you can’t log on to any of thee databases please contact us.
All databases: the URLS of some databases will change over the next few weeks. Please follow links from the Law Library’s list of legal databases or Oxlip rather than using bookmarks or Google.