New Books August 2010

Here’s the monthly list of new books. They’ve also been added to our librarything account at

BF1762.N58 NIS 2003
Nissinen, Martti
Prophets and prophecy in the ancient Near East
Society of Biblical Literature, 2003

BL1138.242 E5 MAH 2005
Mahabharata. Dronaparva. English & Sanskrit
Mahabharata. Book seven, Drona
New York Univeristy Press : JJC Foundation, 2006

BP195.I3 S24 SAL 1985
Salimi, Abd Allah ibn Humayyid, b. ca. 1871. Talat al-shams
Kitab sharh Talat al-shams ala al-Alfiyah ; Bahjat al-anwar : sharh Anwar al-uqul fi al-tawhid ; al-Hujaj al-muqniah fi ahkam salat al-Jumah
Wizarat al-Turath al-Qawmi wa-al-Thaqafah, 1985

BP195.I3 S24 SAL 1985
Salimi, Abd Allah ibn Humayyid, b. ca. 1871. Talat al-shams
Kitab sharh Talat al-shams ala al-Alfiyah ; Bahjat al-anwar : sharh Anwar al-uqul fi al-tawhid ; al-Hujaj al-muqniah fi ahkam salat al-Jumah
Wizarat al-Turath al-Qawmi wa-al-Thaqafah, 1985

BQ915.G66 GOM 2009
Gombrich, Richard F. (Richard Francis), 1937-
What the Buddha thought
Equinox, 2009

BR1720.C5 I58 IOV 1986
Gvaramia, Rusudan
“Iovane Okropiris cxovrebis” zveli kartuli targmani da misi taviseburebani : 968 clis xelnaceris mixedvit
Mecniereba, 1986

BR65.B33 G46 BAS 1983
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 329-379. Selections. Georgian
Basili Kesarielis “Scavlata” Eptvime Atoneliseuli targmani
Mecniereba, 1983

BR65.G84 P74 PSE 1989
Psevdonones mitologiur komentarta kartuli targmanebi
Mecniereba, 1989

BS1515.52.A82 AST 2006
McGinnis, Claire Mathews
‘As those who are taught’ : the interpretation of Isaiah from the LXX to the SBL
Society of biblical literature, 2006

BS1515.52.B44 BLE 2006
Blenkinsopp, Joseph, 1927-
Opening the sealed book : interpretations of the book of Isaiah in late antiquity
William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006

BS1515.52.I585 ISA 2010
Kooij, Arie van der, 1945-
Isaiah in context : studies in honour of Arie van der Kooij on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
Brill, 2010

BX163.3.F46 FEN 2009
Fenwick, John R. K., 1951-
The forgotten bishops : the Malabar Independent Syrian Church and its place in the story of the St. Thomas Christians of South India
Gorgias Press, 2009

BX173.3 B75 BRI 2008
Cherian, Shibu
Bringing light to the world : Syriac tradition re-visited : essays in honour of the very Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Corepiscopa
Christava Sahitya Samithy, 2008

BX177.15 B76 BRO 2008
Brock, Sebastian P.
Studies in Syriac spirituality, Rev., enl. and updated ed.
CEICS, Dharmaram Pub., 2008

BX177.15.L532 LIB 2009
Liber Graduum. English
The Syriac Book of steps : Syriac text and English translation, 1st Gorgias Press ed.
Gorgias Press, 2009

BX4713.363 C66 CON 2009
Conference on the Liturgy of St. James (2008 : Bethany Vedavijnana Peeth)
The liturgy of St. James : its impact on theologizing in India
BVP Publications, 2009

BX663.T3615 TAM 1995
Tamarasvili, Mixeil Petres ze, 1858-1911. Eglise georgienne des origines jusqu’a nos jours. Georgian
Kartuli eklesia dasabamidan dgemde : tan axlavs 104 portreti da kartul zeglta reprodukciebi, ori geograpiuli ruka da mravali gamoukveqnebeli dokumenti
Kandeli, 1995

BX664.P35 P47 PER 1995
Peradze, Gregory, 1899-1942
Ucxoel piligrimta cnobebi Palestinis kartveli berebisa da kartuli monastrebis sesaxeb
Kandeli, 1995

BX667.S35 T76 SAK 1980
Sakartvelos avtokepaluri martlmadidebeli eklesia. Troparion
Uzvelesi Iadgari : gamosacemad moamzades, gamokvleva da sazieblebi daurtes El. Metrevelma, C. Cankievma da L. Xevsurianma
Mecniereba, 1980

BX669.I43.I4433 DOL 1974
Dolakize, Manana
Ilarion Kartvelis cxovrebis zveli redakciebi
Gamomcemloba “Mecniereba”, 1974

BX699.A1 Z84 ABU 1963
Abulaze, Ilia
Zveli kartuli agiograpiuli literaturis zeglebi
Sakartvelos SSR mecnierebata akademiis gamomcemloba, 1963

DK511.C42 KAL 1971
Kaloev, Boris Aleksandrovich
Osetiny : istoriko-etnograficheskoe issledovanie, Izd. 2-e, ispr.
Nauka, 1971

DK511.G4 SAK 1976
Gabasvili, V.
Sakartvelos istoriis agmosavluri masalebi
Mecniereba, 1976

DK511.G44 BER 1967
Qauxcisvili, Tinatin
Berzeni mcerlebis cnobebi Sakartvelos sesaxeb
Mecniereba, 1967

DK671.5 LOR 1989
Lordkipanidze, M. D. (Mariam Davydovna)
Ra aris “Kartlis cxovreba”
Tbilisis universitetis gamomcemloba, 1989

DK673.9 K37 LEO 198
Leonti Mroveli, Bishop of Ruisi, 11th cent.
Sxovreba kartvelta mepeta : Arcilis nameba
Mecniereba, 1986

DK677.35 GUL 1987
Gulbenkian, Roberto. Relation veritable du glorieux martyre de la reine Ketevan de Georgie. Georgian
Namdvili cnobebi sakartvelos dedoplis Ketevanos mocamebrivi sikvdolos sesazeb
Mecniereba, 1987

DS116 JOS 1987
Josephus, Flavius. Antiquitates Judaicae. Georgian
Motxrobani iudaebrivisa zuelsitquaobisani
“Mecniereba”, 1987

DS116 JOS 1987
Josephus, Flavius. Antiquitates Judaicae. Georgian
Motxrobani iudaebrivisa zuelsitquaobisani
“Mecniereba”, 1987

DS117 JEW 2009
Efron, John M.
The Jews : a history
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009

DS135.E83 LED 1994
Lederhendler, Eli
Jewish responses to modernity : new voices in America and Eastern Europe
New York University Press, 1994

DS135.L4 ENC 2010 Ref.
Stillman, Norman A., 1945-
Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world
Brill, 2010

DS135.L4 ENC 2010 Ref.
Stillman, Norman A., 1945-
Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world
Brill, 2010

DS135.L4 ENC 2010 Ref.
Stillman, Norman A., 1945-
Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world
Brill, 2010

DS135.L4 ENC 2010 Ref.
Stillman, Norman A., 1945-
Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world
Brill, 2010

DT143 LIT 2010
Mehrez, Samia
The literary atlas of Cairo : one hundred years on the streets of the city
American University in Cairo Press, 2010

ML3060.Z6 ZLI 1971
Metreveli, Elene, 1917-2003
Zlispirni da gmrtismsoblisani : ori zveli redakcia X-XI ss. xelnacerebis mixedvit
Mecniereba, 1971

PA3892.M7 M38 MCC 2009
McCollum, Adam
A Greek and Syriac index to Sergius of Reshaina’s version of the De mundo
Gorgias Press, 2009

PJ3001.I8 REL 1983
Kraemer, Joel L.
Religion and government in the world of Islam : proceedings of the colloquium held at Tel-Aviv University 3-5 June 1979
Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Humanities, 1983

PJ6123.S46 SEM 2010
Seminar for Arabian Studies (43rd : 2009 : London, England)
The development of Arabic as a written language : papers from the special session of the seminar for Arabian studies held on 24 July, 2009
Archaeopress, 2010

PJ7631.T25 TAK 2008
Gelder, G. J. H. van
Takhyil : the imaginary in classical Arabic poetics
Gibb Memorial Trust, 2008

PJ8991.K37 KAP 2009
Kapeliuk, Olga
Selected papers in the Ethiosemitic and Neo-Aramaic linguistics
Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2009

PK3794.G62 A813 GOV 2009
Govardhana, 12th cent. Aryasaptasati. English & Sanskrit
Seven hundred elegant verses
New York University Press : JJC Foundation, 2009

PK4474.C66 VEN 2009
Venkatanatha, 1268-1369. Hamsasandesa. English & Sanskrit
Self-surrender, Peace, Compassion & The Mission of the Goose : poems and prayers from South India
New York University Press : JJC Foundation, 2009

PK6198.K313 KAR 1975
Karnamah-i Ardashir Papakan. Georgian
Ardasir Papakis zis sakmeta cigni
“Mecniereba”, 1975

PK6402.M3 MAR 1976
Marr, IUrii Nikolaevich
Pisma o persidskoi literature
Metsniereba, 1976

PK6451.F28 A54 MAM 1977
Mamacasvili, M.
Gorganis “Vis O Ramin” da kartuli Visramiani
Gamomcemloba “Mecniereba”, 1977

PK6456.5.G4 FIR 1974
Firdawsi. Shahnamah. Georgian
Sah-names : anu Mepeta cignis, kartuli versiebi
Tbilisis universitetis gamomcemloba, 1916

PK6561.N33 G53 GIU 1976
Giunashvili, L. S. (Liudmila Semenovna)
Tvorcheskii put Saida Nafisi
Metsniereba, 1976

PK8463.T73 DUM 2009
Dum-Tragut, Jasmine
Armenian : modern Eastern Armenian
John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2009

PK9001.D6 DON 1975
Dondua, Karpez, 1891-1951
Stati po obshchemu i kavkazskomu iazykoznaniiu
“Nauka”, Leningradskoe otd-nie, 1975

PK9107.R83 RUD 1940 Ref.
Rudenko, B. T. (Boris Tikhonovich), 1896-1942
Grammatika gruzinskogo iazyka
Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1940

PK9107.T75 TSI 1973
TSibakhashvili, G. I. (Georgii Ivanovich)
Elementarnyi kurs gruzinskogo iazyka : samouchitel
Izd-vo Tbilisskogo universiteta, 1973

PK9114.S26 SAN 1955
Sanize, Akaki, 1887-
Kartuli enis gramatika
Saxelgami, 1955

PK9125.B343 K88 KUT 1975
Kutatelaze, Lili
Ioane Bagrationis Kartuli leksikoni
Mecniereba, 1975

PK9125.C83 CUB 1984 Ref.
Cubinovi, Davit, 1814-1891
Kartul-rusuli leksikoni, 2-oe izd.
Sabchota Sakartvelo, 1984

PK9125.G88 GVA 1972 Ref.
Gvarjalaze, I.
Kartul-pranguli leksikoni
Gamomcemloba “Sabcota sakartvelo”, 1971

PK9125.O7 ORB 1966
Orbeliani, Sulxan-Saba, 1658-1725
Leksikoni kartuli
Gamomcemloba “Mecniereba”, 1966

PK9127.Z69 ZIZ 1954
Ziziguri, Sota
Ziebani kartuli dialektologiidan
Samecniero-metoduri kabinetis gamomcemloba, 1954

PK9165 MET 1996
Metreveli, Elene, 1917-2003
Narkvevebi atonis kulturul-saganmanatleblo keris istoriidan
Nekeri, 1996

PK9165 MET 1996
Metreveli, Elene, 1917-2003
Narkvevebi atonis kulturul-saganmanatleblo keris istoriidan
Nekeri, 1996

PK9169.S297 A63 SAV 1964
Savteli, Ioane, 12th/13th cent.
Abdulmesiani : Tamar mepisa da Davit Soslanis sesxma
Gamomcemloba “Mecniereba”, 1964

PK9169.Z84 ZVE 1986
Goguaze, Nargiza
Zveli mecaprasuli krebulebi : sekcembris sakitxavebi
Mecniereba, 1986

PK9201.U34 V6 VOG 1963 Fol.
Vogt, Hans, 1903-
Dictionnaire de la langue oubykh : avec introduction phonologique, index francais-oubykh, textes oubykhs
Universitetsforlaget, 1963

PL312 ISM 2009
Ismailova, L. G.
Uchebnik azerbaidzhanskogo iazyka : dlia stran SNG
Izdatelskaia firma “Vostochnaia literatura” RAN, 2009

PL958.K5 KIM 1956
Kim, Sa-yop, 1912-
Yijo sidae ui kayo yongu
Taeyang Chulpansa, 1956

Z6616.G786 BRE 1988
Bregaze, T. (Tamar)
Grigol Nazianzelis txzulebata semcvel kartul xelnacerta agceriloba
“Mecniereba”, 1988

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