The book move before Easter went well- all the Bod Turk and some of the Bod Pers books are now stored in the Central Bodleian. They’re returning on Friday to try and take the rest of the Bod Pers.
There have been a few requests that have taken longer than normal to process as the request has been sent to us whilst the book is in the Bod- sorry about this, hopefully soon it will stop being a problem.
Meanwhile in the stock check we managed to get through all of the Minor (600s & 700s), South Asia (500s) and Islamic Religion (Bs) books. We’ll be searching for missing books soon.
Finally, here’s March’s New Acquisitions list. These books will all be Reference Only for the first couple of months, so feel free to come browse them in the library!
B316.A85 ALO 1995
Alon, Ilai
Socrates Arabus : life and teachings
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1995
B755.S457 SHA 2009
Shatz, David
Jewish thought in dialogue : essays on thinkers, theologies, and moral theories
Academic Studies Press, 2009
BM755.E76.F57 FIS 2008
Fishbane, Simcha
The boldness of an halakhist : an analysis of the writings of Rabbi Yechiel Mechel Halevi Epstein the Arukh Hashulhan : a collection of social-anthropological essays
Academic Studies Press, 2008
BP189.A65 AND 1960
Andrae, Tor, 1885-1947
Islamische Mystiker
W. Kohlhammer, 1960
BP75.16.B84 BUH 1961
Buhl, Frants, 1850-1932
Das Leben Muhammeds
Quelle and Meyer, 1961
BR60.C5 A33 AGA 1962 Ref.
Agapius, Bp. of Hierapolis, 10th cent.
Agapius Episcopus Mabbugensis : Historia universalis
Secretariat du CorpusSCO, 1962
DP99 FLE 1992
Fletcher, R. A. (Richard A.)
Moorish Spain
Phoenix, 2001
DS134 BOY 2002
Boyarin, Jonathan
Powers of diaspora : two essays on the relevance of Jewish culture
University of Minnesota Press, 2002
DS149.5.E85 EME 2003
Gitelman, Zvi Y.
The emergence of modern Jewish politics : Bundism and Zionism in Eastern Europe
University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003
DS425 IND 2005
Bryant, Edwin F. (Edwin Francis), 1957-
The Indo-Aryan controversy : evidence and inference in Indian history
Routledge, 2005
DS61.85 ORI 2005
Kalmar, Ivan Davidson
Orientalism and the Jews, 1st ed.
Brandeis University Press ; University Press of New England, 2005
DT79 MUL 1969
Muller, Caspar Detlef Gustav
Grundzuge des christlich-islamischen Agypten von der Ptolemaerzeit bis zur Gegenwart
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1969
E184.J5 JEW 1997
Boyarin, Jonathan
Jews and other differences : the new Jewish cultural studies
University of Minnesota Press, 1997
HQ1728.5 JEW 2008
Ivriyot ha-hadashot. English
Jewish women in pre-state Israel : life history, politics, and culture, 1st ed.
Brandeis University Press ; Published by University Press of New England, 2008
LA71 ERZ 1976
Johann, Horst-Theodor
Erziehung und Bildung in der heidnischen und christlichen Antike
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, [Abt. Verl.], 1976
PJ4579.S42 SEG 2010
Segal, Miryam
A new sound in Hebrew poetry : poetics, politics, accent
Indiana University Press, 2010