Thousands of new ebooks across science and medicine

We aim to build collections that reflect a diverse academic community and breadth of scholarship, and to support the University’s flexible and inclusive approach to teaching. To this end, we aim to continue to fill gaps in our current online collections, meet student expectations for 24/7 remote access to key materials, and address previously under-represented areas and revisions to the academic curricula.

Since March 2020, there have been considerable increases in ebook provision for both taught students and researchers across MSD and MPLS. Additional funds were made available to us during the COVID-19 pandemic, which were used to provide enhanced access to ebooks as well as expand ejournal access.

This expansion of ebook access included:

  • large collections from major publishers aimed at students and researchers across science and biomedicine
  • one-off purchases of individual texts available in perpetuity
  • some individual titles which require annual subscriptions

These include key individual ebook titles on undergraduate reading lists or individually requested, and also major reference works such as Encyclopaedia of the Life Sciences and Birds of the World. We have also acquired access to over 60,000 additional online monographs from the Springer and Elsevier ebook platforms.

There has also been a substantial increase in uptake of ORLO (Oxford Reading Lists Online) in MSD and MPLS, and staff have made great efforts to identify material newly available online, and online alternatives to reading list texts only available in print.

Very high usage levels are being reported for some these new titles and collections. For example, there were 8,000 chapter downloads from Berg’s Biochemistry online in just 6 months, and the big increases in downloads from our Elsevier and Springer ebook collections can be seen in these graphs:

Springer ebook usage from February 2021

Elsevier ebook usage from March 2021

New publisher ebook collection subscriptions in science and medicine:

MSD ebooks now available:

  • 265 key individual ebook titles in direct support of undergraduate reading lists – titles catalogued individually on SOLO


MPLS ebooks now available:

  • 450 key individual ebook titles in direct support of undergraduate reading lists – titles catalogued individually on SOLO


New databases and reference works:

Springer ebook collections purchased in perpetuity:

  • Earth and Environmental Science (2017 and 2020-21)* – titles catalogued individually on SOLO
  • Mathematics and Statistics (2017-21) – titles catalogued individually on SOLO
  • Chemistry and Materials Science (2017-21) – titles catalogued individually on SOLO
  • Springer Medicine (2017-2021) – titles catalogued individually on SOLO


All these resources are accessible via SOLO when logged in using your SSO. Direct links to publishers’ platforms should also work when logged into Bodleian Libraries and Departmental computers, or when using the University VPN.

*2018 and 2019 already purchased

Melancholy: A New Anatomy exhibition and Library Lates event

The Weston Library’s current exhibition Melancholy: A New Anatomy celebrates the 400th anniversary of Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy. First published in 1621 the text is an innovative encyclopaedia of mental and emotional disorder, as understood in the late Renaissance. 400 years later we are still exploring the different ways to treat mental health.

As part of our Library Lates series, come and join us for an interactive exploration of mind and matter, inspired by the exhibition. Explore our common experiences and connections over time through a variety of activities designed to uplift the mood and invigorate the mind.
Get creative with origami for wellbeing and myriorama making. Try laughter yoga to boost your mood or test your knowledge with brain jenga. Borrow Oxford researchers for a chat in the Living Library and enter the world of sleep. Wake up with music for the brain and print a Burton keepsake to remember his instruction ‘Be not solitary, be not idle’.

Library Lates: Melancholy – Mind & Matter

Friday 12 November 2021, 7pm until 9.30pm

Details and booking information