New ejournals for MSD and MPLS

The Bodleian has been making considerable efforts to increase provision of online resources for researchers across MSD and MPLS. Additional funds were made available to us during the COVID-19 pandemic, which were used to expand ejournal access as well as provide enhanced access to ebooks.

We have been able to subscribe to a number of new titles and to purchase a range of online journal backfiles, identified via reader requests or turn-away data (attempts from within the University’s IP range to access content that we do not have access to).

We continue to take a proactive approach to the development of our ejournal collections in response to the continuing expansions in research activity and associated research outputs across both Divisions and welcome suggestion from our colleagues across MPLS and MSD. Please contact:

You can also recommend a purchase using our online form.

All titles are available via SOLO and BrowZine (our user-friendly one-stop for online journals). This includes publishers such as Nature, AIAA, ICE Virtual Library, SPIE, and SAE and individual titles such as Chem, Nature Astronomy, and Synfacts.



One-off purchases


Subscriptions and backfiles




All these resources are accessible via SOLO when logged in using your SSO. Direct links to publishers’ platforms should also work when logged into Bodleian Libraries and Departmental computers, or when using the University VPN.