Check out our Resource of the Month

The RSL has a huge collection of physical and electronic materials. We have so much that we wanted to shine a spotlight on some of our items whether recently added or an existing collection item. The resources are recommended by our knowledgeable subject librarians who are excited to show off parts of the collection for their subject.

Text that says resource of the month over small images of books, computer equipment and scientific equipment

This month’s selector is:

Ollie Bridle

Photo of Ollie Bridle

Ollie Bridle

Ollie has selected JSTOR Global Plants.

Brief Description

JSTOR Global Plants provides high resolution, digitised plant specimen images from over 300 herbaria and plant research organisations around the world. Not only does the database contain almost 3 million type-specimens, it also includes an array of supporting documentation such as field notes, illustrations from Cutis’s Botanical Magazine and articles from botanical reference works.

Where possible, specimens are linked to published botanical literature available in JSTOR or to external resources such as the Biodiversity Heritage Library and Tropicos.

JSTOR Global Plants provides powerful search tools allowing you to identify specific species, collectors or specimens associated with a particular geographical area or herbarium collection. Images and accompanying metadata for specimens can be downloaded and saved as PDF files.

Close up of a red poppy with the text "Now's the time to brush up on your Latin" in large font. below it is the text "Jstor Global Plants".

Who is this useful for?

JSTOR Global Plants is an excellent resource for supporting research in plant diversity, taxonomy and systematics or plant identification at all levels.

How can I access it?

This resource is available through SOLO. To access it off campus use the VPN or sign in to the journal platform with your Single Sign On (SSO).

You can also set up a free account within JSTOR Global Plants itself. This allows you to save records you find to your own personal account for easy retrieval.

Text "Let your research flourish" over images of hand drawn plants

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