ILL Deadline

Our free InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is a great way to access articles and chapters that are not available in SOLO. Just fill out the online form and we’ll try and get a copy of what you need from another UK library:

Green and purple markers against a coloured background on which is written, "InterLibrary Loans"

For books the items can be ordered to the vere Harmsworth Library (VHL), where the RSL collection is currently located. For journal articles or individual chapters you can be sent an electronic version.

You can make requests until 15 August this year. After that the service will be unavailable for a short time, until 23 August. Still plenty of time to get your orders in.


InterLibrary Loan Service

It may seem like everything is available through Bodleian Libraries but occassionally you may need a paper or book that you can’t find on SOLO. If you can’t find a particular item in SOLO you can order it for free through our InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Service.

Just fill out the online form and we’ll try and get a copy of what you need from another UK library:

Graphic of a stack of books piled high into the sky

For books the items can be ordered to the vere Harmsworth Library (VHL), where the RSL collection is currently located. For journal articles or individual chapters you can be sent an elctronic version.