Reading Lists:
Reading lists are collections of materials such as books, chapters, journal articles, and more, recommended by your tutor for your studies. These lists can be distributed in print or electronically through platforms like email, Canvas, or ORLO.
Oxford Reading Lists Online (ORLO):
ORLO is an online system for accessing reading lists at the University of Oxford. It offers features such as checking the availability of print items in the library, accessing full-text electronic resources using ‘View Online’ buttons, and aiding time efficiency in your studies.
Accessing ORLO:
You can find your course’s reading list through the ORLO homepage or your course’s Canvas site. If your course isn’t on ORLO, you can contact your Subject Librarian or email orlo@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for assistance. Note that most ORLO lists are private and require an Oxford Single Sign On (SSO) for access.
Tips for Using ORLO:
- Download and Export: You can download an ORLO list in PDF format with retained links or as a RIS file for citation management.
- Reading Intentions and Notes: Set private reading intentions to plan your studies and add personal notes to items.
- Filter and Search: Use filters and the search bar to quickly find specific readings or types of resources.
- Save Lists: Save lists to your profile for future reference, even after the academic year ends.
- Report Broken Links: If ‘View Online’ links are broken, you can report them and get notified when they’re fixed (click the three dots on the far right of the reading list item and select ‘Report broken link’).
- View Other Formats: Check book details and explore alternative editions through SOLO.
- Access Digitised Content: Some lists include digitized chapters or articles from Bodleian Libraries, accessible through ‘View Online’ buttons.
For more information see the Bodleian Libraries page on Reading Lists.