Discover more about the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA)

ORA (Oxford University Research Archive) provides open access to a wide range of articles, dissertations, book chapters, conference proceedings and other papers by Oxford academics and research students. Over 56,000 complete works are available.

The full text and abstracts of many items within the archive can be downloaded free of charge by anyone with an internet connection and new full texts are being added daily. Note that items that include full-text in the archive are subject to usual copyright terms and where possible information regarding reuse is included.

Searches for open access material can be conducted from within ORA or from within SOLO.


After entering your search terms into SOLO, filter your results to show ‘Open Access’ materials using the filters available on the left of the SOLO screen.




Material is labelled with the orange Open Access padlock symbol. Click on ‘Online Access’ to access full text.


Further information can be found on the ORA LibGuide

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