Each month, one of our Subject Librarians chooses an electronic resource which they feel will be of interest to you.
February’s Resource of the Month has been selected by John Southall, Bodleian Data Librarian and Subject Consultant for Economics and Sociology.
John’s choice is Sociology Collection. It was chosen as it has extensive historical coverage and provides regularly updated indexing of core sociological journals based upon the “Thesaurus of Sociological Indexing Terms.”
The Sociology Collection is provided by Proquest; an information database platform vendor specialising in full text, abstracts and indexes.
It provides a single entry point to ‘Sociological Abstracts’, ‘Sociology Database’ and ‘Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts’ (ASSIA). Each database may be searched together or individually and offers coverage of the international literature in sociology and social services. It provides abstracts, indexing and full-text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations and working papers, including full-text from hundreds of leading sociology journals.
Where can you access the resource
Sociology Collection is available to access via SOLO. A Single-Sign-On (SSO) is required to access this database, as it is restricted to Oxford University students and staff members.