The Bodleian libraries will be trialling a new eResource until 1 July 2016: the UN i-Library.
The United Nations iLibrary includes publications, journals and series comprising facts and expertise on international peace and security, human rights, economic and social development, climate change, international law, governance, public health, and statistics. In future releases, the platform will also provide access to other resources such as working papers series and statistical databases.
Content can be searched by year from 2007, although some pre-2007 publications are available. The i-Library gives access to all United Nations sales publications dating from 2013. The content of the United Nations iLibrary will be regularly updated with approximately 500 new titles published every year on the key topics reflecting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.
As this is a trial, feedback on any aspect of the service such as content or usability would be greatly appreciated, so we can decide whether to keep it. You can e-mail feedback to would be greatly feedback to
If you are using a library PC you can access the library directly on the University network, go via the link provided at OxLIP+ or SOLO