Social Science Library closed to readers from Mon 18 January

The Social Science Library will be closed to readers from Monday 18 January until further notice. Our Click and Collect and Book Returns services will operate from the library foyer 12-4 pm Monday-Friday, and our ‘Scan and Deliver’ service will continue to provide additional remote access to our resources.

A decision has been made to rebalance Bodleian Libraries’ services further, and to focus physical reading room provision on the Old Bodleian Library and Cairns Library (John Radcliffe Hospital). The Sackler Library, Social Science Library and Vere Harmsworth Library reading rooms will be closed from Monday 18 January until further notice. This decision was not taken lightly, and will be reviewed on a regular basis in line with the prevailing academic and public health conditions.

Please visit the Bodleian Libraries Hilary Term Updates page for the latest information on library service provision.

Take the SSL on Holiday: ways to access library material remotely

Vacation loans start during 8th week of Hilary term. Books (both normal and short loan) will be due back on Tuesday 28 April (1st week of Trinity Term).

If you need to access library resources while you are away from Oxford, follow our tips below:

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries LibGuides for further information.

SSL eReadings provides scans of selected articles and book chapters on reading lists we support that are not available in e-books or e-journals. SSL eReadings is hosted on WebLearn, log in with your Single Sign On (SSO)

Use the Scan & Deliver service if you need to get hold of a chapter or article from the Closed Stacks. Further information can be found here.

We will be closed from Friday 10 to Monday 13 April 2020 (dates inclusive).

The library will close at 7pm on Thursday 9 April and reopen at 9am on Tuesday 14 April.


Take the SSL on Holiday : ways to access library material remotely

Vacation loans start during 8th week of Michaelmas term. Books (both normal and short  loan) will be due back on Tuesday 21 January (1st week of Hilary Term).

If you need to access library resources while you are away from Oxford, follow our tips below:

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries LibGuides for further information.

SSL eReadings provides scans of selected articles and book chapters on reading lists we support that are not available in e-books or e-journals. SSL eReadings is hosted on WebLearn, log in with your Single Sign On (SSO)

Use the Scan & Deliver service if you need to get hold of a chapter or article from the Closed Stacks. Further information can be found here.

We will be closed from Tuesday 24 December to Wednesday 1 January (dates inclusive).

(The library will close at 5pm on Monday 23 December and re-open at 9am on Thursday 2 January)


This Library will be closed this Thursday (20th December) between 09:00 and 15:00

The library will be closed this Thursday (20th December 2018) between 09:00 and 15:00 due to essential electrical maintenance. There will be no electricity supply in the building during this time.

Please note that due to the closure, no stack request deliveries will be taking place on this day. Items ordered from the Closed Stacks on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday (before 7.30pm) will be delivered on the morning of Friday 21st.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.