UPDATE: Network downtime on Mon 8th Aug now cancelled

UPDATE: The work outline below has now been cancelled. 4/8/16

Sick computer

The University is currently in the process of upgrading its network infrastructure as part of the Oxford Network Evolution (TONE) project (https://projects.it.ox.ac.uk/tone/).

On Monday 8 August, the Manor Road Building, including the Bodleian Social Science Library and all Departments in the building, will be migrated to the new service, resulting in a short period of network downtime.

There will be no network connection in the whole of the Manor Road Building between 10.30am and 11.45am on Monday 8 August 2016. This includes both Reader PC workstations and wireless (Eduroam/Bodleian-Libraries) internet connections.

Please ensure you save any work prior to this time and avoid planning critical work during this period. Although some local network services may be available during this period, it is best to assume this will not be the case.

Speak to a member of the Social Science Library or Manor Road Building IT Staff for further information or if you have any other questions.

Possible internet problems

wifi-iconOn Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st of March the University will be migrating its internet connection. There will be outages to connectivity to and from the internet (for both wired and wireless users) between 7 and 9 am on those dates.

All efforts are being made to minimise disruption but we recommend that you don’t schedulae any critical work requiring internet access at those times. Outages should be barely noticeable but it will affect all internet services in both directions. For a short period readers may not be able to access SOLO even from off campus.

New software available at SSL

Arcgis logo

The reader PCs at the SSL have recently been updated with new ArcGIS 10.2 software. This software aids in the analysis of geospatial data or any statistical information that includes geographical variables such as location, elevation, population density and so on.

The package includes;

  • ArcCatalog 10.2,
  • ArcGlobe 10.2,
  • ArcMap 10.2
  • ArcScene 10.2
  • plus ArcGis for desktop help

These programs can be used to

  • View maps/mapped information as part of analysis
  • Compile geographic data
  • Build and edit maps to help analysis or visualisation
  • Amend properties and fields in geospatial databases and generally manage such information
  • Develop projects that draw on the large user base and functionality this package has built up

It can be used with any geo-spatial data such as the Landscan population database available through SOLO (http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/OXVU1:OXFORDOXF05190)

Pop in to the SSL and try it out.

Improvements to Library Working Space (Sat 18th April)



This Saturday (18th April) we are undertaking some work to tidy the cabling underneath the desks in the library computer area and the seating area on the Manor Road side of the Library. Most of the work will be undertaken while the library is closed, though some will take place during working hours.

Only one desk at a time in each area will be affected, these will be clearly marked.

We are grateful for your patience while this work takes place.

Take a seat: study areas in the SSL

Man Reading Book and Sitting on Bookshelf in Library

We have a variety of study areas and types of desk that you can choose from:

  • Opening plan seating
  • Partitioned seating
  • Comfortable seating area
  • Individual study desks
  • Study carrels
  • 3 Social Science Graduate study rooms
  • 2 Group discussion rooms                                                                               (available to be booked by members of the Social Science Division)
  • 2 Height adjustable desks

We also have a newly purchased standing desk that you might want to try out. This is located next to the Q-Step Centre Teaching Lab.

The desks in our IT Training Room are also available for you to use (close the lids of the desks to stow away the computer equipment)

Want to use one of our computers?


The SSL has 52 networked PCs for use by readers with a University or Bodleian Libraries card.

30 are located in our main computer area near the issue desk, 21 in our IT Training Room (available for use when a training session is not taking place), and our last PC is in our photocopier room.

Want to use your laptop in the library?

Wifi is also available throughout the library. You will need to connect your laptop or mobile device to the Bodleian-Libraries network and enter your Library card login.