Tag Archives: Return on investment

Latest news – September 2015

The future of primary care  – Creating teams for tomorrow tick
Report by the Primary Care Workforce Commission
Chair: Professor Martin Roland
Report commissioned by Health Education England
published July 2015
This report makes a number of recommendations:
1) A multi-disciplinary workforce
2) Making better use of technology
3) Federations and networks of practices
4) Integrating care
5) Quality and safety in primary care
6) Population groups with particular needs
7) Education and training: creating learning organisations
8) Providing better data
9) Making change happen

The confident leader : primary care providers 

PCC (Primary Care Commissioning) offers new dates in its learning and development programme for new and aspiring leaders of provider organisations. The development programme consists of nine half-day sessions, with focus on gaining leadership and teamwork knowledge and skills , awareness of  a changing NHS landscape, legal and governance requirements of federations and other new organisations, and skills required to collaborate with others in the local health economy.
NB If your organisation has a support package that includes event credits, you can attend events free of charge


NICE to sponsor new NHS vanguards
excerpt from NICE News and features 23rd September 2015tick
NICE is sponsoring 4 ‘vanguards’ – groups of NHS and local government organisations which have been designated to pilot the new models of care described in the NHS Five Year Forward View.  
So far 29 vanguard sites have been chosen of which 4 will be sponsored by NICE. The sites sponsored by NICE will be:

  • West Wakefield multispecialty community provider (MCP) (click to get further details on West Wakefield example)
  • Sutton enhanced health in care homes vanguard
  • Whitstable MCP
  • Mansfield and Ashfield acute care system

As a sponsor, NICE will provide the vanguards with support through its guidance and quality standards, and will issue customised support. It will also use the experience of the vanguards to inform its own products.

Link to webpage detailing all 37 Vanguard sites (NHS England New Care Models – Vanguard sites) and FAQ on New Care Models
Link to Acute care collaboration vanguard sites
Link to Urgent and emergency care vanguard sites  

NHSLeadership-6cs diagramtick
The Leadership Compact – its link to the NHS Change Model and the 6 C’s of Nursing

Talent Conversation Tooltick
This is a PDF booklet entitled Conversation guide for nominations to leadership programmes
Covering: the talent conversation, flow chart, preparing and holding a talent conversation, and after the conversation. Appendices: specific guides for each area of the Talent Conversation Tool Areas, blank talent conversation tool, and Do’s and Don’ts

Evaluating the evidence on employee engagement and its potential benefits to NHS staff : a narrative synthesis of the literaturetick
Health Services and Delivery Research, 2015, vol./is. 3/26, 2050-4349
Bailey, C, Madden, A and Alfes, K
link to free full text PDF 

Grace under fire: aesthetic leadership in clinical nursingpound-sign
Journal of Clinical Nursing 2015 Sep;24(17-18):2649-58
Mannix J , Wilkes L and Daly J
This study used a mixed-method, online descriptive survey and study participants were recruited via e-learning platforms and social media. There were 66 respones which included 31 written accounts of aesthetic leadership in practice. The most valued aesthetic leadership characteristics in clinical leaders  were support, communication and the approach taken to colleagues whereas taking risks and challenging processes were the most uncommon.

Relationships Between Self-Reported Leadership Practices, Job Satisfaction, and Demographics of Radiology Administrators
Radiologic Technology, 01 September 2015, vol./is. 87/1(10-20)pound-sign
Jackowski M B and Burroughs B
An study undertaken in the USA , 149 American Society of Radiologic Technologists members who indicated they have a position of administrator/manager, chief technologist,or supervisor completed a demographic survey and the Leadership Practices Inventory(LPI) self-survey tool. Having leadership training and being older were associated with higher LPI scores and having higher job satisfaction.

A Directory of organisations, groups, and teams that support innovation, improvement, leadership development and systems leadership – how they could potentially support new care models and other priorities in the five year forward view tick
Published September 2015 (Issue 1:3)
This report is a collation of the responses to a survey amongst groups and organisations that support improvement, innovation and leadership development, hosted as an online survey. This data was drawn from an extract collected in April and May 2015

 ‘Next generation social care: What do e-markets mean for your practice?’tick
Community Care, May 29th 2015 , Roberts, C
An article summarising an Institute for Public Policy Report titled : Next-generation social care: The role of e-marketplaces in empowering care users and transforming services

The King’s Fund Culture Assessment Tool pound-sign
A new tool from The King’s Fund helps organisations to assess their culture, identifying the ways in which it is working well, as well as the areas that need to change.

Rethinking the public health workforcetick
Royal Society for Public Health
Identifies leadership being a key driver of change
Published August 2015

Education horizon-scanning bulletin September 2015tick
Compiled by John Gale JET Library – Mid-Cheshire NHS Foundation Trust
Links through to abstracts or full text depending on availability