Publicising the following on behalf of our colleagues at the Radcliffe Science Library. The first one in particular may be of interest to American historians.
Introduction to the Electronic Enlightenment project: Wednesday 10 November, 10-11am, Radcliffe Science Library (Training Room).
The e-Enlightenment Project is a research project of the Bodleian Libraries. With 58,000 letters and 7,000 correspondents, EE ( is the most wide-ranging online collection of edited correspondence of the early modern period, linking people across Europe, the Americas and Asia from the early 17th to the mid-19th century.
It represents a real cross-section of early modern society: the ideas and concerns not only of scholars, politicians and scientists, but also butchers and housewives, servants and shopkeepers. With a wealth of personal detail revealed, you can explore as never before the relationships and movement of ideas, the letters and lives of the early modern world.
Find out more at a presentation by Robert McNamee (Director, Electronic Enlightenment Project). Open to all Oxford University students and staff.
To book a place please contact .
ARTstor & Bridgeman Education: images for History of Science & Medicine: Wednesday 17th November, 10am – 12 noon, Radcliffe Science Library, Training Room.
We have access to two of the biggest image databases, ARTstor and Bridgeman Education. They contain a million high-quality images suitable for use in papers and presentations. Both comprehensively cover locations, subjects, periods and media, but their content can be vastly different. Navigation and tools (eg Print, Save, Send) also differ.
ARTstor ( and Bridgeman ( are not just for artists! They include images relevant to history of science and medicine, social sciences, as well as archaeology, art and architecture and the humanities.
Find out more about the science-related content, searching and using images, at a presentation by Clare Hills-Nova (History of Art Librarian) and Vicky Brown (Visual Resources Curator, History of Art Dept.).
The second half is a chance to practice; if you are unable to stay for the full two hours, you are still very welcome to attend. Open to all Oxford University students and staff.
To book a place please contact .