As part of the Underground Bookstore and Old Bodleian Library Access Project, work to raise the level of the Old Schools Quadrangle will begin on Monday 20 December 2010 (weather permitting) and continue until the end of April 2011. The quadrangle is in significant need of repair, having last been repaved more than fifty years ago. Access to the Old Bodleian, Duke Humfrey’s Library, Exhibition Room, Shop and Divinity School will not be affected by the restoration work although the Great Gate entrance to the quadrangle will be closed.
Some of the work will be noisy and involve use of heavy machinery but the Library will try to limit the noisiest work to vacation as far as possible. Staff will be able to guide you to another library should you wish to find an alternative location in which to study. Please contact if you have any query about this work.
For further information and background information on the project please see