WISER coming up: Reference Management

Bodleian Libraries will be running the  workshop “WISER: Technology Tools – Reference Management” on  Wednesday 2 February (week  3).  More details…

WISER: Technology Tools – Reference Management
Wednesday 2 February 2.00-5.00
Choosing a reference management package can be tricky. This session introduces the two market leaders, RefWorks and Endnote and two popular free packages, Zotero and Mendeley.  We will discuss some of the pros and cons of each package and factors to consider when making a choice. Participants will also have opportunities to try out the different packages.
Presenters:  Ljilja Ristic, Oliver Bridle and Angela Carritt
Book your place:
University members – please book your place @ http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/itlp/courses/detail/TZW6.
Non university members –  please book your place by emailing usered@bodleian.ox.ac.uk

To find out about more Reference Management sessions taking place during Hilary Term please see “All you need to know about reference management” on the BodWiser blog.

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