We have a year’s access to American History in Video from Alexander Street Press, which is now available for Oxford users until the beginning of October 2012 only.
American History in Video provides the largest and richest online collection of video available for the study of American history—2,000 hours and more than 5,000 titles on completion. Historical coverage in the collection ranges from the early history of Native Americans, to the lost colony of Roanoke, to the 1988 Vicennes Affair in the Persian Gulf. Biographical coverage ranges from eighteenth century figures such as Benedict Arnold and Daniel Boone to modern day figures such as Thurgood Marshall and Helen Thomas. The database includes documentaries as well as newsreel and archival footage. (More information)
It will shortly be available via OxLIP+, and can also be accessed directly from within the University network at http://ahiv.alexanderstreet.com/.
Make the most of it while we have it!