New term notes

Welcome back to those readers returning to Oxford after the summer, and welcome to new Americanists just starting this term!

If you’ve been away, here a few things you might have missed:

  • We’ve had electricians in all summer replacing the lights on the ground and first floor. This work is almost but not quite complete, so part of the first floor will remain inaccessible to readers until Friday 9th October. If you need books with shelfmarks beginning J-Z, xF-xZ, or y, please ask staff and we will fetch them for you. The first floor toilets are also currently inaccessible; please use the alternative facilities on the lower ground floor.
  • You will now receive reminder emails about books you have called up from the Bodleian stacks to alert you to renew them if you want to keep them here for more than a week.
  • Some oversized books (shelfmarks beginning xA-xE) are now on the top floor.

Term time opening hours begin today, Monday-Friday 9am-7pm, Saturday 10am-4pm.

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