In Week 7, the Bodleian Libraries will be running workshops on ORCID for linking researchers with publications and grants, working with sensitive data, and measuring research impact. In addition, we will be running workshops on research information and reference management for engineers. We will also be running our workshop on getting started in Oxford Libraries for those new to Oxford or anyone who would like a refresher. More details:
Bodleian iSkills: ORCID IDs and the ‘ORCID at Oxford’ service (Monday 29th February 14.15-14.45) Week 7
ORCID iDs are unique researcher identifiers that you keep throughout your life and retain even when you move institutions. They are increasingly important for linking researchers with their publications and grants, and are being used more and more by funders and publishers. Find out more about how ORCID works at Oxford, and how to get an ID at this 30 minute workshop
Who is this session for? Postgraduates, research staff, academics and any University and library staff
Venue: Radcliffe Science Library
Booking: to book a place follow click on the workshop title above.
Bodleian iSkills: Getting started in Oxford Libraries (Wednesday 2nd March 9.30-11.30) Week 7
An introduction to Oxford Libraries including guidance on which libraries to use; accessing e-journals and other online resources; SOLO and other finding aids and making the most of Library services.
Who is this session for? Anyone who would like an introduction to Oxford Libraries.
Presenters: Angela Carritt & Cathy Scutt.
Venue: Radcliffe Science Library
Booking: to book a place follow click on the workshop title above.
Bodleian iSkills: Working with sensitive research data (Thursday 3rd March 10.00-12.00) Week 7
A workshop outlining some of the key principles to bear in mind when working with sensitive or restricted research data obtained from a third party source such as a data archive. This session will also be of interest to those creating data they consider sensitive or confidential who want to know how best to go about it. Examples of scenarios drawn from the research of participants are particularly welcome. The role of support services at Oxford will also be outlined and in particular the role of the Bodleian Data Librarian.
Who is this session for? All DPhil Students and Research Staff
Presenter: John Southall
Venue: Social Sciences Library, Manor Road
Booking: to book a place follow click on the workshop title above.
Bodleian iSkills: Research impact – citation analysis tools (Thursday 3rd March 14.00-15.30) Week 7
During this introduction to citation tracking and bibliometrics we will use a range of ‘impact factor’ tools to find top journals and conferences, count citations and measure the impact of publications and researchers. We will cover Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal Rank, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Essential Science Indicators, ORCID and more and explain how to use each tool and its strengths and weaknesses.
Who is this session for? Current Oxford research postgraduates, researchers, academics, University and Library staff.
Presenters: Karine Barker, Juliet Ralph, Karen Langdon
Venue: Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Road
Booking: to book a place follow click on the workshop title above.
What’s coming up in the iSkills Programme – See the full timetable at
Keeping up with Bodleian Libraries training opportunities: Why not follow us on Twitter at or visit the Bodleian iSkills blog at
Questions? – Please contact