PCAS upgrade 26th August – 6th September: limited service

PCAS-logoThe Bodleian Libraries PCAS (print, copy & scan) system is being upgraded between 26th August and 6th September. During this period, there will be limited service while the systems are switched over and new photocopiers installed. Some printing, copying and scanning will be possible, either from the existing machine or via library staff; please ask us if you need help.

Once the upgrade is completed, PCAS accounts will change to the Bodleian Libraries username and password – the same login you may use for library PCs or to access the Bodleian Libraries wifi. If you do not know what this is, please ask staff. You will need to transfer any credit from your old PCAS account to the new one, and an online portal will be available from 6th September for you to do this.

Please see http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/using/copy/pcas/development for further details about this change. Guides will be available online and in the library to help you learn the new system and machines once the upgrade has taken place.

iSkills coming up: open access

openaccessNext week Bodleian Libraries will be running iSkills logothe following sessions. Please follow links to book online.

Bodleian iSkills: Open Access Oxford – what’s happening? (Tues 23 August 14.00-15.00)
A briefing on open access publishing and Oxford’s position: Green vs. Gold; funder mandates and publisher policies; Oxford Research Archive (ORA) and Symplectic; OA website/ helpline; what’s new.
Who is this session for? Research support staff, administrators and librarians, researchers and academics.
Presenters: Juliet Ralph and Kate Beeby
Venue: Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics

Bodleian iSkills: Authors, copyright and open access – making it work for you (Wednesday 24 August 12.00-13.00)
Authors are often unsure what rights they retain when signing the publisher agreement for a journal article. Your choices affect what you and others can do with your work. This introductory workshop deciphers the jargon and explains the pitfalls so you can understand your options and make informed decisions.
It covers benefits of retaining copyright, Copyright Transfer Agreements (CTA) compared with other Licence types (inc. Creative Commons), author rights and sharing permissions, subscription and open access articles, uploading to the web or repositories, University and funder policies (inc. REF), and the support available.
Participants are asked to bring along an example of a publisher copyright agreement that they have signed in the past or from a journal they publish in regularly. There will be time for Q and A but if you wish to send questions in advance please email openaccess@bodleian.ox.ac.uk using subject line: August Copyright session.
Who is this session for: Academics, researchers, postgraduate research students
Presenters: Sarah Barkla, Kate Beeby, Juliet Ralph, Sally Rumsey
Venue: Seminar Rm A, Manor Road Building

Keeping up with Bodleian Libraries training opportunities? Why not follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/bodleianskills   or visit the Bodleian iSkills blog at http://blogs.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/skills/.

Questions? – Please contact usered@bodleian.ox.ac.uk

New: Gallup Analytics

Thanks to the Social Science Library, Oxford users now have access to Gallup Analytics.

A searchable resource of unique public opinion data and analysis compiled by Gallup, Inc., this database includes answers to more than 125,000 questions and responses from more than 3.5 million people interviewed in the United States since 1935. Analysis of new data and historical trends at country, state and city levels is available via the Gallup World Poll, Gallup Daily Tracking and Gallup Brain databases. Topic areas include:

  • gallupanalyticseconomic confidence
  • employment
  • entrepreneurial energy
  • confidence in leadership
  • confidence in military and police
  • religion
  • food access
  • corruption
  • freedom of media
  • life evaluations

As well as United States data, global tracking data is also available since 2005 for an additional 160 countries. Users are able to create custom tables and export data.

To find historic content (pre-2008), click on ‘Gallup Brain’ in the bottom right-hand corner.


Available via OxLIP+. Please note that access is limited to one user at a time across the Bodleian Libraries, so make sure you close your browser when you have finished using the resource. Gallup polling data can also be found in iPoll (also available via OxLIP+).