Catalogue of the papers of the Tilling Society now online


The papers of the Tilling Society (1982-2006), a group set up to celebrate the life and works of the author Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940), have been catalogued and are available for readers to consult.

Spanning from the early-nineteenth century up until 2009, the papers consist of material collected by the Tilling Society relating to both E.F. Benson and the administration of the Society. It includes correspondence, stories and articles by E.F. Benson and members of his family; as well as ephemera, photographs and audio-visual material relating to theatrical, televised and radio productions of his stories. In addition, it contains circulars, documentation and photographs produced by the Society.

The last page of a letter from E.F. Benson to his friend Canon John Fowler
The last page of a letter from E.F. Benson to his friend Canon John Fowler

Whilst the original letters of E.F. Benson and copies of his early publications will have obvious appeal to researchers, this lively archive also tracks the popular afterlife of Benson’s works in material relating to dramatisations of his stories, and is evidence of the Tilling Society’s admiration and appreciation of the author – papers on and photographs of the annual events the Tilling Society held for its members demonstrate their great love for E.F. Benson and his stories and characters.

A souvenir brochure from a Tilling Society ball
A souvenir brochure from a Tilling Society ball

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