Bodleian iSkills – helping you to find and make best use of scholarly resources

The Bodleian Libraries run a programme of free workshops (many of which are online) called ‘iSkills’.  Check the programme online and book your place.  The programme covers:

  • Finding scholarly books, journals and other papers to support your learning and research
  • Using reference management tools such as Endnote, RefWorks, Zotero and Mendeley for referencing and formatting footnotes and bibliographies
  • Keeping up to date with new research
  • Measuring research impact
  • Understanding copyright and looking after your intellectual property
  • Open Access publishing and complying with funder mandates for open access
    Managing your research data
  • Bodleian Libraries refresher outlining how services provided by the Bodleian Libraries can help you with your studies.

Prefer a one to one?    Continuing Education Library can meet with you one-to-one in person or on Teams or Zoom to cover many of the topics above and particularly finding scholarly materials, referencing and using reference management software. Please feel free to contact us to book an appointment.

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