This year’s Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS) was the biggest yet, with over 160 participants from around the world coming to Oxford for a week in July. Each participant followed one of eight week-long workshop strands, with keynote and additional lectures for an hour each morning.
Workshops were on subjects as diverse as Digital Musicology, Crowdsourcing for Academic, Library and Museum Environments, and Humanities Data: Curation, Analysis, Access, and Reuse.
DHOxSS’s Organizational Committee is made up of colleagues from across the University, and is profoundly multidisciplinary in its approach to training in many fields of the digital humanities. It is co-directed by James Cummings (IT Services) and Pip Willcox (Bodleian Libraries).
This year there were more than 80 speakers, with two thirds coming from the University of Oxford. A third were invited experts from around the world. The Bodleian provided 12 speakers across several of the workshop strands:
- Alexandra Franklin
- Tanya Gray Jones
- Matthew Holford
- David Howell
- Neil Jefferies
- Matthew Kimberley
- Liz McCarthy
- Matthew McGrattan
- Monica Messaggi Kaya
- Sally Rumsey
- Judith Siefring
- Pip Willcox
Two strands were convened by Bodleian colleagues: Digital Approaches in Medieval and Renaissance Studies by Judith Siefring; and An Introduction to Digital Humanities by Pip Willcox.
The call is currently out for volunteers to convene workshops for DHOxSS 2016.
—Pip Willcox