All too quickly, it’s that time of year again where the library begins the transition to its vacation service. Congratulations to all our readers for getting through another busy term. Whether it is your first Michaelmas or last with us, well done! We hope you find the time for a restful break this winter.
Vacation Opening Hours
The library will move to vacation opening hours from 4th December (today!), with a closed period of 23rd December to 2nd January inclusive. Opening hours during the vacation are:
Monday to Friday: 9:00-17:00
Vacation loans
Vacation loans for normal loans started on 28th November and 1st December for short loans. Loans issued from these dates will be due back during the first week of Hilary Term, starting 15th January.
Closure of CSF
The CSF, or Collection Storage Facility, is the complex housing the Bodleian Libraries offsite, closed-stack material. Due to a system upgrade, there will be no deliveries from the CSF on 8th and 9th December.
The last delivery of material will arrive in the afternoon of 7th December. You must place requests for material through SOLO by 10:00 on 7th December to receive material in this delivery.
OffsiteScan will also be unavailable during this time. Readers are encouraged to place stack and scan requests well in advance so that they can be fulfilled prior to the closure.
Deliveries and offsite scans will resume as normal on 12th December.
Online Support
If you are away from the library over the vacation don’t forget the wealth of support available to you remotely online. If you need help or have a query, you can get in touch with us via email or the telephone – the details are on our library webpage. Alternatively, you can speak to a librarian in real-time using the Live Chat service available from the SOLO homepage.
Don’t forget to check out relevant Subject and Research Guides too:
Home – Subject and Research Guides – Oxford LibGuides at Oxford University
Finally, it just remains for us to wish you the very best over the festive period. You’ll have another service update from us in the new year!
Stay up to date with developments at the English Faculty Library by following us on Twitter. Updates affecting the Bodleian Libraries as a whole will be published on the Service updates webpage. Any questions about library services updates can be addressed to