A wintry welcome back to you all for the first week of Hilary Term. We hope you had a pleasant break, full of festive frivolity, and are sufficiently layered up for the approaching cold weather. On that note, before we jump in, a reminder that hot drinks can be brought into the library provided they are in a KeepCup. Said hot drinks can be purchased from the Missing Bean Cafe, a 30 second walk away in the St Cross Building.
Opening hours
From Saturday 14th January the library reverted to its term-time opening hours. For the duration of Hilary Term, until Saturday 11th March, the library will be open Monday to Friday, 9:00-19:00, and Saturdays, 10:00-13:00.
Vacation loans
The vast majority of library loans issued over the winter vacation are due back on 17th and 19th January, that’s Tuesday and Thursday of this week! Be sure to renew or return any loans you have with us on time so that everyone can borrow what they need when they need it for the term ahead.
A library refresher
It’s wholly understandable if one or two things about the library have slipped your mind after the holidays, or passed you by entirely during Michaelmas Term. After all, there are lots of resources and services to familiarise yourself with and we are expanding our provision all the time. So, with that said, why not head over to our webpages for a brief recap of what’s on offer? We’ve managed to pack quite a lot into our three-minute welcome video in case you haven’t got much time to spare:
Using the English Faculty Library | Bodleian Libraries (
And remember, there are lots of ways to get help across the Bodleian Libraries. The last thing we’d want is for you to struggle on silently and staff across all sites work together to maintain a number of dedicated avenues of support. You can find out all about them here:
Ask and support | Bodleian Libraries (
Of course, when you are in the English Faculty Library, you’ll always be able to find someone to talk to at the help desk. We’re a friendly bunch and we’ll do our best to answer even the hardest of library-related conundrums.
Library training sessions
In-person library training sessions for English students are being timetabled for the term, with details due to be circulated to relevant cohorts ahead of time via email.
Contact us
We warmly invite any of our readers with questions or concerns to contact the library directly using the details on our webpage:
English Faculty Library | Bodleian Libraries (
Best wishes for the term ahead!
Stay up to date with developments at the English Faculty Library by following us on Twitter. Updates affecting the Bodleian Libraries as a whole will be published on the Service updates webpage. Any questions about library service updates can be addressed to